The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1147: 1147

"I used to think that your family sold too much, but now I don't think it's expensive. With such a good craftsmanship, it should be sold more expensive..."

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Those who came late outside have already drooled for three feet.

"Let's go as soon as you finish. There are still people behind us?"

"That's it. It's only fifty bowls. You're all right. We have to hurry up."

"Yes, I didn't catch up with the bird dumplings yesterday. I must try the soup noodles today..."


Besides, Daniao Er Niu, these little p children, are also salivating three feet long.

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Daniel really wants to eat! But his family was poor. His parents drove him out to get some delicious food. He didn't want to spend money. He made a mistake yesterday and offended the boss. If the boss doesn't forgive him today, he will be hungry this morning.

No, no, he must make up for it.

Daniel had an idea and began to yell, "Baoye snack bar, today we supply clear soup noodles, delicious soup noodles, 30 Wen a bowl, delicious, you can see it!"

The other kids are in a hurry, and Daniel is starting to show up. What can they do if they don't show up?

So, three rabbit girl came into the shop and gave them to the people who had finished eating. She cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks, cleaned the table, and gave the cooked noodles to the guests

Er Niu beat his legs for Xiao Bao, "boss, I'll give you a massage, and you'll have a good day."

Fat chicken touched out a few wooden cards, "boss, I'll give you a magic trick, you watch it!"


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Xiaobao cocked his legs and did not refuse. He squinted and enjoyed himself.

"Our snack bar doesn't care about free meals. Even if I'm the boss, I can't guarantee that you'll have good food every day. In a word, whether you have delicious food depends on your performance."

"Listen to the boss, we must behave well..."

"You don't have to eat every day. You can eat something every other time, even if you have some noodle soup."


Xiaobao suddenly stood up, "that's OK! One shouts at the gate and the other clears up the dishes and chopsticks. You two stand here as etiquette. What's the name of the visitor? Welcome to Baoye snack bar. If the guests leave, please come again! Do you know? "

Er Niu and fat chicken immediately laughed and said, "I know! Boss

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When etiquette ah, that is the boss looks up to their two images!

Their clothes are pulled neat, the child anyway thick skinned, not afraid of ugliness, two people left and one right.

"Welcome to Baoye snack bar!" he yelled

After eating the customers who want to leave, they yell, "welcome to come often next time!"

Full of energy, it's scary.

Provoked those seven aunts and eight aunts, covered their purses and bent over with laughter.

Even Huan Qingyan feels funny. Xiaobao, a jerk boy, is making the whole demon moth again. He even moves out the set in her previous life's memory.

Fifty bowls of noodle soup soon sold out.

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A group of kids are still watching.

Huan Qingyan also specially made a bowl for the children. Each of them made a bowl, which was full of weight. The little guys rushed in, and their mouths seemed to be smeared with honey.

"Old lady! That's very kind of you

"Auntie, we'll come back tomorrow..."

Huan Qing's face is black again.

Fall, can we change the name ah! OK, forget it. It's just a name for children.

Looking at Xiaobao and the group of children of the same age happily eating clear soup noodles, Huan Qingyan followed with a silent smile.

PS: six chapters finished ~ ~ have a good weekend! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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