The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1148: 1148

This kind of guard son, accompanied by the husband's feeling, really better than the big family's intrigue too much.

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While the kids were sucking and eating noodles, suddenly, a large group of people came into the half opened door.

There are men and women, noisy.

Huan Qingyan stood up, "sorry, it's closed today, please be early tomorrow."

It's not bad for a woman to wear a heavy perfume of osmanthus flowers on her body.

People dressed like this are still a minority in nameless town.

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Most of the nameless towns are wearing their own imitation cloth clothes, and only a few of them wear silk and satin, let alone so fancy.

As soon as the woman came in, she swaggered, "who's the boss here?"

Behind the flowery woman, there were several strong men in the family. They were all aggressive and not good at coming.

"Who are you? What's the matter? "

There is no spiritual master in this nameless town. They are all ordinary people. No matter how powerful they are, they are just ordinary people. Huan Qingyan has not paid attention to it.

These people look fierce, but they can't even cope with Xiaobao.

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"Old lady, she is Wang's aunt and concubine It's called silver sleeve... " Fat chicken is the first to stand up and report to the phantom.

That flowery cheongsam woman glared at the fat chicken to show, a warning you don't talk nonsense, there is a good look.

Then his eyes swept in a few children eating noodles, and the target was fixed on Xiaobao.

Other children are wearing old cloth clothes, rough skin, only Xiaobao is particular about clothes, and delicate skin and flesh, Yuxue is lovely.

Of course, this is the most simple clothes for Xiaobao.

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"It's you. Did you scare our girls out yesterday? Isn't it? " She stepped forward, trying to catch Xiao Bao.

Is Xiaobao a mortal woman she can grasp?

See small treasure move shape phantom step a flash, flash to the back of the unreal Qing Yan, show a small head, vigilant looking at this woman called silver sleeve son.

Huan Qingyan's smile fades down. If you have something to say, why do you catch her son?

"Elder sister, you'd better introduce yourself. You don't have to do anything like this. Just sit down and talk about it."

The cheongsam woman looked at unreal Qing Yan haughtily.

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Huan Qingyan looks like an ordinary woman. She doesn't have any grease or powder. She looks ordinary.

"I'm from Wang Yuan's family. You can call me lady silver sleeve. Are you the owner's wife of the snack bar? Do you know what happened to your son who scared our young lady to faint by the river yesterday

"I know something. I'm very sorry. My husband brought Xiaobao to your house yesterday to make an apology. Don't worry about Niuniu, little girl?"

Yesterday, jimoya lost 100 Liang silver, which is a very large sum of money in this small town.

He also apologized, and the people of the Wang family accepted it. Later, Jimo Ya explored it again with his divine sense. The little girl had already woken up safe and sound, and Huan Qingyan didn't care about it.

I didn't expect that the people of the Wangs came to the door. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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