The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1172: 1172

Therefore, the good people suggested that the name of the store was changed.

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It's called baoyetang.

In the morning, I open a shop to sell snacks for an hour. In the afternoon, I open a shop to practice medicine and make medicinal food

There is space for small assistants to prompt, basically can suit the right medicine to the case, the effect is very remarkable, baoyetang gradually become famous in Mingming town.


"what? That's true! "

In the holy yard, the drunkard stood up.

Next, bailiren stood with several clansmen, "it's absolutely true. My Baili family escaped two people after this desperate struggle. I'm afraid that there is no one left in the mountain city, and there are not many people who have escaped."

Xue Sheng was also on the side, frowning, "although our people and the demon clan have been fighting for many years, there are few people who aim at ordinary people and then kill the whole city. There is a big mystery in this matter."

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The drunkard hummed again and again, "there is a mad Saint missing before, and then there is no reason to kill the city. Do you like to deceive the demon family? I'll go there in person. I'll find out the truth about it! "

Snow under the sacred heart always feel there is a trace of impropriety, the right way, "I accompany you to walk a time!"

The wine saint was stunned for a moment and didn't say anything.

The two semi saints told Xun Sheng that they immediately went to the direction of juelishan mountain.


Juelie mountains are rolling, I don't know how long it is, and the terrain is very high. It is very difficult for ordinary people to cross over.

But there are a lot of spiritual plants and other resources here. If you are lucky, getting rich overnight is not a dream.

In this world, if the strength is poor, I will deeply realize it.

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But no one thinks they're out of luck.

Those with bad luck don't think they have been bad all the time.

So there are some people here to try their luck.

But at most, they hunt some wild animals and pick some spiritual plants outside the mountains.

The two of them came all the way, and sometimes there were three or five groups of people around, but now they haven't seen one.

Their expressions became more and more dignified.

Suddenly, at the other side of the mountain came the sound of running and drinking.

They looked at each other, got off the mount and turned around the foot of the mountain.

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There are four people running towards us, who are being chased and killed.

They were pursued by more than a dozen demon species with long hair and forearms hanging to the ground!

The drunkard snorted coldly, crossed the four people in front and met the demon people behind.

Xue Sheng also stopped the four and asked, "where are you from? Why were they pursued by demons? "

The four were terrified. Looking back, they saw that the demons were stopped. Then they bent down to support their legs and gasped for breath.

One of the strong men came forward and said, "we are from Anshan City. We were slaughtered by the demon clan a few days ago. We escaped by taking advantage of the chaos."

"Anshan City?" Xue Sheng was surprised, "how is Anshan City now?"

"What else can I do? I'm afraid there are not many survivors who have been slaughtered by the demon clan."

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Xue Sheng frowned, "do you know why the demon clan slaughtered the city? What is the cultivation of the demon clan leader? "

"How can I know why the demons slaughtered the city?" The strong man said, "but I advise you to leave these things alone."


"Because -" the strong man suddenly showed a grim smile, his appearance changed greatly, and the sharp knife in his hand suddenly stabbed Xue Sheng!

Originally ordinary arm suddenly grew a big section, the sharp knife almost immediately stabbed in front of snow saint!

At the same time, he said, "because you're going to be like them soon."

It's a long story. In fact, it's just in the blink of an eye. The bright sharp knife has been reflected in the bottom of Xue Sheng's eyes.

All of a sudden, even Xue Sheng didn't have time to examine carefully. The man in front of him was actually a hidden demon. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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