The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1173: 1173

But I'm afraid the strong man didn't expect that the man who attacked him was a half saint!

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In the face of the sharp knife, Xue Sheng did not move. He snorted coldly, "I can't help myself!"

With a wave of his sleeve, the strong man was like a heavy blow. His whole body flew over more than ten feet away, sprinkling blood all the way, and then he fell heavily to the ground without sound.

The drunkard over there also solved those demon people, and a strong pressure covered the remaining three people.

The three did not expect such a change, and they were all trembling.

The wine Saint soon finished the exploration, nodded and took the pressure.

"It seems that the situation is not good." Xue Sheng sighed, turned to the three people and pointed out, "you follow this direction, run for your life! Remember, don't come back for a short time. "

He pointed out the direction, is exactly their origin, should not meet the demon clan again.

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If they were pardoned, they ran away again.

"We have to hurry." Snow holy way, "if that person's words are true, I'm afraid more than one city is in trouble."


Half an hour later, the wine saint and the snow Saint stood on the wall of Anshan City, their faces livid.

At the entrance, there were some debris, broken tiles, corpses and blood, and no one was alive.

On the border, Anshan City used to be a relatively prosperous city with more spiritual masters, traders and aborigines.

And now, for that reason, more people are dying.

In some busy places, corpses even piled up into hills!

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There are also some demon people wandering aimlessly, see them two, all rushed over.

Two people naturally did not put these half demons in the eye, after killing, quickly left.


With the continuous in-depth investigation, the two face more and more ugly.

More than two or three were slaughtered.

There are countless casualties among the Terrans.

Occasionally, we can see a large number of refugees in a panic retreat, calling their sons and daughters.

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Those who do not escape are either forced to become demons or die, or they are desperate and willing to become demons and survive temporarily.

The two half saints saw such a scene all the way, and their anger was ready to gush out.




"Mother Mother... " A seven or eight year old child called out the word Niang.

A woman in her thirties burst into tears, hugging her child and crying with joy, "Liangliang, you can finally speak! Liang Liang, my son, how many sins have been suffered in recent years

Huan Qing Yan or gentle smile expression, looking at the mother and son.

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The child had been mute for more than four years. After a month of continuous treatment, he was now able to recover and speak.

As for dumb disease, Huan Qingyan had been treated. At that time, he used rare spiritual plants to cure Jiuli elder brother.

At that time, Jiuli brother's condition was more serious than this, which was congenital dumb disease. At that time, she had only a primary medicine room, only a formula for treating dumb disease, and the required materials were rare.

Now she is an intermediate pharmacy. There are a variety of prescriptions for the treatment of dumb diseases, and the required materials are relatively simple.

Huan Qingyan chooses ordinary spiritual plants for this bright child. The cost of rare spiritual plants is not to mention. Ordinary people can't stand the huge aura contained in them.

Speaking of Jiuli brother, it seems that I haven't seen him for a long time.

Even when she married, she did not know where to inform him, Jiuli brother seems to have disappeared in general. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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