The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1175: 1175

Huan Qing Yan also wanted to say what, was blocked by Jimo ya.

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As soon as the waist was tight, his body was lifted up and strode to the room.

Huan Qingyan smelled his unique blood fragrance, which was wonderful.

Because the little ginseng of jimoya was seriously injured before, and his cultivation was greatly retired, and his blood was not so fragrant.

After Wang Lingshi, his strength was stronger, and his ability to cover up the smell of blood became stronger.

Therefore, Huan Qingyan has not smelled the smell of blood on him for a long time.

Now it is specially sent out to seduce her to cooperate with the big day

After some provocation from Jimo career, Huan Qingyan gave up resistance, and his mind was attracted by him for a long time, and all the things about the heavenly vision were forgotten.

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Here is only the flame burning body, the tide of love.


during this period, Wang Niuniu looks so good that she has been lifted from the ban. She goes out to play with Xiaobao Daniao Er Niu every day.

Picking stones and catching fish by the river became their main entertainment.

"Here you are. Today my mother asked me to bring you sesame cakes." Xiaobao is very generous to Wang Niuniu and brings her food every day.

Next to the Daniao Er Niu and other partners look at greedy.

"Boss, if you have ours, give us some."

Xiaobao waved, "go and go. What are some old men and little girls fighting for?"

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"I'm a little girl, too. Do you have mine?" she said

Xiaobao white her one eye, "Niuniu, she is not in good health, you come less."

Wang Niuniu is very satisfied with Xiaobao's differential treatment of her, which shows that she is different.

Eat more energetic, sesame cakes eat full of crumbs.

"It's delicious," he said! How delicious

Daniel and their coax way, "forget it, we don't rob. Wang Niuniu is Xiaobao's daughter-in-law, so it's right to give her food."

On hearing this, Wang Niuniu said angrily, "who said I was his daughter-in-law? Nonsense! It's him who scares me sick. He should give me something to eat. "

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"Mrs. silver sleeve of your family will marry you to our boss."

"Why don't you do that? We'll come and play with each other now and let Wang Niuniu and our boss marry each other."

"Good, good, we will play this, this fun, marry a daughter-in-law!"

The friends started to make fun of each other.

Wang Niuniu is a little more mature than ordinary girls. She turns to Xiaobao and says, "is this the case? Why don't you tell me? Did the people of our palace really go to your house to propose marriage? "

"It's true, but I won't marry you. So, there's nothing to say. Don't you look at you, Mr. Bao? Will you look like someone who marries a little girl like you? "

Wang Niuniu slapped Xiaobao in the face.

"Who wants to marry you? Stinky

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Xiao Bao flashed by nimbly.

Wang Niuniu glared at Xiao Bao angrily and ran away like a gust of wind.

This run, ran back to Wang's courtyard.

In spite of the opposition, she came to Qingzhu garden where her mother Zhang lived.

A servant girl at the door called Xiao Zhu stopped Wang Niu.

"Oh, my eldest lady, my wife is recuperating and needs to be quiet. You can't rush into it so rashly!"

If in the usual, Wang Niuniu would stop and ask her mother's advice before going in.

But today, she has something important to do! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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