The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1176: 1176

She was the eldest daughter of the Wang family. No one asked for her permission. An aunt wanted to marry her off. It was a total disaster.

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Although, the person to be married, well, she personally thinks that she is quite satisfied. At least, bad Xiaobao's mother will cook delicious food. In the future, she will have to eat good food in the past.

But this kind of thing, also should not her silver sleeve an aunt to decide.

If it goes on like this, the masters of the Wang family will be changed. She must see her mother today.

"I have something important to see my mother!"

Wang Niuniu is very strong, regardless of Xiaozhu's opposition, she pushes in the door.

Xiaozhu's hands are empty, eh, she can't stop a child!

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In this daze time, Wang Niuniu has pushed the door and entered.

Why can't Xiao Zhu stop Niu Niu? Naturally, it's because Wang Niuniu eats every day these days. Xiaobao's mother makes good things.

The body is better, the strength is stronger.

As soon as Wang Niuniu entered the door, a dark and moldy air came to her face.

There was no sound in the room, as if no one was breathing.

Wang Niuniu was shocked. A very bad premonition made her panic. She ran to her mother's bed in two or three steps.

On the bed lay a woman, pale and lifeless, as if dead.

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Wang Niuniu burst into tears.

"Mother, mother Are you okay? Mother, you talk

Outside the bamboo, catch up with, "Miss, the lady is asleep, you do not disturb her."

If Wang Niuniu used to believe it, now he has played with Xiaobao for such a long time, and his ideological consciousness or other aspects have improved a lot.

She climbed up to the edge of the bed and slapped Xiaozhu in the face. "My mother is still sleeping like this? You are my three-year-old! Get a doctor

Xiaozhu knew that Wang Niuniu had always been in a bad temper. She had been angry with them before. After being taught by Zhang, she changed a lot.

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After that, Zhang's condition became more and more serious. Wang Niuniu was a filial child and expected them to take good care of her. Therefore, she did not dare to lose her temper to them.

Now she is suddenly beaten again. Xiaozhu doesn't agree with her way of saying, "madam, this disease is just sleeping and dizzy. It doesn't help to invite a doctor. Dr. Zou has said that we should prepare for the future affairs of the Wang family. Mrs. silver sleeve is still kind and is still hanging her life to renew the medicine. If it had been for a common family, it would have been impossible to live. "

Wang Niuniu was short of breath. She smelled the quilt and sheet on the bed again. It seemed that she had not changed it for a long time.

Another slap at Xiaozhu, "you are looking for death! How could you say that to my mother? OK, now I'll go to my father and let him make the decision. "

Xiaozhu was on guard this time and stepped back two steps. Wang Niuniu didn't hit her.

"The master is very busy. I have to disturb him for such a small matter. It's really out of date! You go, the master is coming. That's what Xiaozhu said

Wang Niuniu's angry tears all came down. She squatted down and touched her mother's pale and lifeless face.

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One foot, left the green bamboo garden, went to the backyard of my father's Alchemy yard.

My father said that he wanted to be a fairy. He was very close to her daughter. He didn't treat her very much at ordinary times. He told her not to go to him when she had nothing to do. The relationship between father and daughter was very weak.

Wang Niuniu usually doesn't want to go to her father's place to save herself from being bored.

But now, it has to go.

PS: I finally found the reader who gave ten Book coins. It turned out that the reward was on the starting point ~ ~ ~ wiping, which made me think it was a supernatural event! Chenchen is here to thank the parents of the starting point app, thank you for your support!! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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