The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1215: 1215

They are all with Jimo Ya's steps, all along his footprints, step by step.

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Jimo Ya said, "I don't know."

"What! hear nothing of? I don't know how you took the lead? Don't take us to the pit. My life is precious, OK

Just then, the heavy purple mist disappeared.

There was no sun in the sky, and the cold wind was blowing. In front of them, there was a gate of the cave. On top of the cave, there were some big characters with evil spirits, such as a swimming green snake flashing.

Vaguely discern, is the demon God mansion several words.

"Demon house? Shit! Nangong Beichen, you come to pinch this young master quickly. Are you dazzled

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"No, I saw it too. It's the demon house!"

"This It is said that when the Jimo family came to kill the snake emperor, they wanted to capture the demon God's house. In the end, the snake emperor was forced to explode. Didn't he blow up the cave together and smash it? "


Even Jimo Ya was stunned, and then his face was gloomy and said, "yes, I heard my uncle say that the demon house was destroyed by the snake king."

Huan Qing Yan inserted a sentence, "what is the demon house?"

Bai Li Jia Bao explained to her in a low voice, "the demon god house is the residence of the ancient demon God Teng she. It is said that there are super many treasures in it. Both the Terran and the demon clan all want to have a look, and the chance is infinite!"

The yearning feeling in the words can't be stopped.

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"What treasures are there?" Huan Qingyan wants to hear the specific.

"No one's ever seen anything. However, it is said that this demon house was once possessed by an ordinary snake demon. Within a few hundred years, this ordinary snake demon has become a snake king

Can an ordinary snake become an emperor in hundreds of years?

This is a miracle!

You know, the number of demon clan is larger than that of Terran. Therefore, the speed of demon clan training is much slower than that of Terran. Most of the demon clan of imperial level can reach it after tens of thousands of years of cultivation!

You also need to be very talented.

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And an ordinary snake, hundreds of years can be repaired to the imperial level, then this demon house must have how many treasures against the sky?

Obviously, everyone has heard this rumor, and they are more and more rubbing their hands.

"Ha ha ha, I didn't expect to have such a big chance today. What are we waiting for? Get in! There are countless amazing treasures waiting for us to dig in the demon house

Shangqiu dream thousand this fellow said the crowd is excited.

What does a practitioner rely on to advance? Nature is an opportunity, even if it is difficult, you can't miss it.

"Let's go in. What do you think?"

At the same time, I look at Jimo ya.

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At this time, Jimo's face was expressionless, looking at the demon house, he was in a trance, as if he was thinking about something

There are fierce anger and sadness in the eyes, extremely complex eyes.

Huan Qingyan is not good. He asked him in front of so many people, and the divine sense preached, "what's the matter with you, husband?"

Jimo ya just returned to God, God recognized her, "sorry, Xiaoyan, let you worry, did I ever tell you before, I was abducted by demon clan when I was a child?"

"No Huan Qingyan pinched hard on the back of his hand to show comfort.

"When I was a child, I woke up to shuanglingbao. My blood had a strange smell. Once I went on a tour with my father. When I passed through the demon family, I was taken away by the snake king, who took me as blood food and imprisoned me in the snake Cave..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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