The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1216: 1216

It's not like the voice of others.

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But Huan Qingyan knows how much damage this incident has done to Jimo ya, which can make him have memory confusion. It is certainly not so insipid in his voice.

"And then?"

"Later, Jimo family gathered all the strength of the family, killed the snake queen and rescued me. But I was imprisoned for a year. I was autistic and couldn't speak. My uncle sealed this memory for me, so I didn't want to think about it, and then I could speak slowly."

Huan Qing Yan was so distressed that she pulled it up. She didn't know how to comfort Jimo Ya and put her arms around his waist.

"Don't worry, I'm already the king spirit master now, should be able to overcome this dark history, demon god house must enter, not into, there is no retreat."

The pursuers are getting closer and closer.

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Huan Qingyan asked, "I always feel that something is wrong with this matter. How could there be such a coincidence? It seems that someone intentionally guides us to come here, and the handwriting of mad saint is also fake. What's wrong with the demon house? "

Jimo Ya continued to recognize her, "it's really strange. At that time, before the snake king died, he blew up the demon house My father died because of it. "

"It's blown up. How can it still appear here? Can this be a fake? What are the pitfalls? "

"I have seen the demon house with my own eyes. It should be true. As for why it appears here, I don't know. Go in and have a look."

Shangqiu dream thousand dissatisfied way, "hello? You two show love enough! At this critical moment, you are still communicating with your Divine sense, showing your love and leaning. You can't hurt me like this

Huan Qingyan gave him a big white eye.

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Ming ran Xie went out for a walk again and came back, "young master, do you want to decide quickly whether to enter the demon house or not? There are a lot of people from the demon clan, and a few from the king level. "

Jimo Ya said in a deep voice, "there are restrictions on the demon god house. You can only enter the king level or below. I have been in the periphery. I know something about the periphery. We can enter this gate, and the demon family that we chase can also go in. Listen to me later."

"All right! I've been listening to you all the time. Come on, come on. I'm hungry and thirsty. "

Shangqiu dream thousand has become a day not with Jimo Ya on the unhappy people.

Jimo Ya ignored him, led the magic Qing Yan, the first step into the dark looking cave.


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not long after they entered, a large number of demon clans gathered here.

It is a group of demon Shuai demon generals of the lion clan, one by one excited quack.

"Ha ha ha, demon house! I found the demon house

"Isn't the demon house destroyed? It still exists? It's just no place to look. It doesn't take any effort to get here. "

"I want to report to the king quickly..."

"In and in, hurry in, be careful of the chaos of the Terrans and rob all the treasures in the demon house."

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Many demon clans rushed in, fighting for the first time, for fear that it would be too late, and there would be no treasure in the demon house.

White dust seal is lion shaped, mixed in the demon group, neither voice, nor impatient.

With his analysis and understanding of Jimo ya, he decided not to act.

Jimo ya just went in, these demon clans want to go inside, who knows what's waiting inside? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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