The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1224: 1224

I thought it was safe and sound, but I didn't expect it.

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However, this is not hard to beat the cannibal, its middle of a stamen suddenly grow long

****And to go, it is the direction of illusion.

On the stamen, stained with colorful crystal powder, it is highly toxic.

Jimo Ya is Wang Lingshi. He can fly freely without borrowing foreign objects. He blocks the stamen of this flower for Huan Qingyan!

With a wave of Qiankun pen, a strong wind swept through, and the stamen was cut off.

But the broken stamen grew again at the speed visible to the naked eye.

At this time, the other shadows on the ceiling also gradually opened.

"Ah! Cousin, help me... " Murong Xinnuo a scream, she overhead, there is also a cannibal flower.

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Nature is not as big as the one that attacks Huan Qingyan, which is enough for her.

Murong Xinnuo's cultivation is the lowest. She has not yet reached Xuanling master. She has been playing soy sauce all the time. Suddenly, she was shocked and almost fell off the flying magic weapon.

Next to the South Palace North morning hesitated, she was caught.

Take her out of the range of cannibals.

Baili Jiabao, Shangqiu Mengqian, etc. all have cannibals on their heads.

People can see clearly that the ceiling is covered with chameleon like cannibals. When these petals are not moving, they think they are petal shaped dark lines on the ceiling.

About counted, a total of seven or eight.

The scope of the attack was very large, covering the whole palace.

Each flower has ugly teeth and disgusting mucus

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Every drop down, the grass on the ground has turned into black juice!


"No wonder it's so easy to get in. It's these cannibals who want to eat us!"

"You can't get on these juices..."


People hiding in hiding, Baili Jiabao took out a few small black beads.

It is thunderbolt, which belongs to one-time magic weapon.

Throw it at the cannibals!

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There was an explosion.

But the cannibal flower in addition to being blown off some of the mucus, unexpectedly uninjured.

On the contrary, it caused anger of cannibalism. Several cannibals gave up attacking others and threw the pistils to bailijapo together.

"Not afraid of fire? It can't be true? The demon clan of the plant Department should be afraid of fire

Garbo is going to cry.

Huan Qingyan flies past, pulls Jiabao over and flies to the other corner of the underground palace to avoid the attack of the pistils of several cannibals.

But they didn't give up, the stamens elongated endlessly

Seeing that he was about to catch up with him, a clear roar, the fire red Zhu Feng Lingbao appeared!

It opened its mouth and spurted out a big ball of fire, hitting at the chasing several cannibals.

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Those cannibal flowers also have a human like look of contempt, as if in contempt of fire fighting skills.

But when the big fireball of fenglingbao touched them, it also made a similar shrill hiss.

Immediately take back the attack of pistil, those a few flexible, aggressive stamens are quickly turned into dry branches.

"It's so powerful, leaning! Good job

"Baili girl, help us..."

Everyone cheered at the same time.

Huan Qingyan did not expect Feng Lingbao's fireball to be so effective.

Jimo Ya saw her question and explained, "although these cannibals have fire resistance property, your Phoenix Lingbao's fireball is not any fire."

Feng Lingbao heard the interpretation of Jimo ya, very proud, but also a group of fire to those who are still attacking cannibals. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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