The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1225: 1225

All of a sudden, all the cannibals are scared, dare not act rashly.

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All the pressure was relieved.

Just when everyone was relieved, the seven or eight flowers suddenly began to move closer to the middle, and the branches and leaves rolled and twisted

Finally, it merged into a giant flower!

More ugly, more ferocious

"Shit, you'll change!"

All of them scattered together and sent out spiritual treasures one after another.

This ugly flower has become like this, it certainly is not to say hello to them.

Ugly flowers directly shot out a thick and long pistil, attacking the public.

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With a sound of "Ba", there is a big suction cup at the top of the front of the pistil, which will suck the nearest Nangong Beichen. Before Nangong Beichen has any response, he quickly pulls to its huge mouth full of sharp teeth.

Jimo Ya step over, in the hands of Qiankun pen suddenly forward a stab, a sharp shrill out.

"Puff" a sound, the vigor passes through, the stamen actually did not break!

Zhu Feng smashed the fireball with one bite

Pistil just changed color, still not broken!

Jimo Ya hastily stabs again two times, finally in the South Palace North morning arrives before the millstone like giant mouth, breaks the stamen.

And this is just one of the many stamens!

You know, Jimo Ya is now Wang Lingshi!

Then the strength of this ugly flower

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Jimo Ya and Huan Qingyan look at each other.

If you can, jimoya doesn't want to start a couple's fighting skills again.

Because Huan Qing Yan Xiu is still low, it is a great burden for her to start husband wife combat skills, and it consumes a lot, especially in spirit.

It's just that it can't be opened now. With the strength of other people, it's hard to resist this ugly flower.

After a sound of the sound of the dragon and Phoenix, 20 red halos were put on the two people again.

Jimo Ya long body and out, dark lift a breath, hand Qiankun pen quickly pull a pen flower, straight stab out.

This simple straight stab, in fact, shakes a thousand times in the process, and a silk pen immediately draws tens of thousands of rays of light, such as the rain all over the sky, shooting to the ugly flowers!

"Poof! Poof! Poof After a series of sounds, ugly flower even made a strange "squeak" sound. Finally, the whole body was full of holes and fell from the ceiling powerlessly.

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The crowd then stopped from the flurry of hiding and breathed a sigh of relief.

"What strange flower is this? I have never seen such a powerful flower

"Did brother eat too much flowers and plants, and was punished today?"

"This ugly flower is really hateful. I want to eat it!"

"Good idea! Eat it

"I'm hungry, too!"

Huan Qingyan was stunned by their wonderful idea, but she still asked her diet consultant, "can this be eaten?"

"Of course! It is a variety of demon eating flower king. It belongs to the unique spirit plant, and it is a great tonic... " Ancient bowl space answers immediately.

"Well, this can be eaten! We baked it together

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As a kind of food, making spiritual food is very fast, not to mention so many people present.

Magic Qing Yan will be prompted by the toxic part removed, after a while, the food demon king will be roasted, aroma.

All of them rushed into the crowd and ate them.

Even Jimo ya got one.

"Bang, bang, Bang..."

"Well, it's still crispy, not bad! It's delicious Shangqiu dream thousand side eat side way, "see in ugliness flower offer this spirit dish, this childe forgive it."

Nangong Beichen rolled a white eye, "it doesn't need your forgiveness." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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