The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1234: 1234


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Jimo Ya walks, eyelids suddenly jump.

Suddenly I felt something bad.

You should know that practitioners are different from ordinary people. They can control their muscles and veins, bones, blood and flesh by themselves. Generally speaking, it is impossible to have such minor defects.

Is Xiaoyan in danger?

"What's the matter?" One side of Tuoba Yan Road.

"Xiaoyan may be in danger." Jimo Ya deep voice.

When they arrived here, they did not see Huan Qingyan.

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As soon as these demon clans entered, they were scattered after a while.

The Yinfeng hall is almost the same as the labyrinth. It is quite complex and filled with white fog. The sight is not clear. Even if you use the divine sense, you can't see far. In addition, there are wandering demon clans everywhere. For a moment, you can't find Xiaoyan.

Jimo Ya is so anxious that he can only step up the pace of searching.

"Help me! Cousin, help me

Just at this time, a voice came, but Murong Xinnuo ran out of the side flustered, and chased three demon generals.

Jimo Ya waved, the white dragon immediately rushed to the three demon generals.

"You alone? Have you seen Xiaoyan? " Jimo Ya rare initiative asked a word.

"Miss Baili? I Yes, but... " Murong Xinnuo hesitated.

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"If you have something to say!" Jimo Ya said in a deep voice, "what's the matter?"

"I said, cousin, don't blame me..."

Jimo Ya sharp eyes shot over, Murong Xinnuo was scared to shrink his neck, and then whispered, "I have seen a hundred miles girl before, but I saw her It seems to get along with the demon clan. It seems that they are very friendly and do not offend each other I think it's very strange. I'm afraid that Bai Li girl will become a demon. I dare not talk to her, so I don't go forward. Later, Baili girl left... "

Jimo Ya frowned.

There seems to be something wrong between Xiaoyan and the demon clan.

No, if you think about it carefully, it's the low-level demon clan who has a sense of avoiding Xiaoyan. The higher-level demon clan, such as fox flatterer, is still a big threat to Xiaoyan.

First find Xiaoyan and say, "where to see Xiaoyan, take me."

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Murong Xinnuo Liansheng should be here, "good."


"I have a lover. Where is your fox lover?" Huan Qingyan knows that this time there is more or less bad luck and strength difference is too big. What's more, the other party has an old feud with himself. He can never let go of himself, and he has no good words.

As long as she delays for a period of time, and when the time of transferring skill CD is good, she can transfer it to Jimo ya.

"Oh, by the way, you have a new lover. I shouldn't mention it. It's as simple as eating and drinking water for you. It's not worth mentioning."

"Ha ha ha..." Mrs. fox Mei burst out laughing, a little disapproved, "if you can say it again, it's useless!"

In a twinkling of an eye, his face became cold. "OK, stop talking nonsense. Kill this girl and deal with Jimo Ya again!"

Huan Qingyan sighs and closes his eyes.

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"Hold on!"

But the white lion king said, "that jimoya is so slippery, who can guarantee that we can catch him? Didn't you say they were husband and wife? It's better to save her life for the time being and lead Jimo ya to save her, and then we will kill her together

The fox flatters the madam to listen, pour also has the reason.

Although she hated the illusion, she naturally understood that the plan was better.

"Yes, but how can I let Jimo ya know?"

"Don't worry about this lady." Ox horn king a side way, "I have a thing, can let the sound spread far away, take care of that Jimo ya boy to hear!"

"It's better."

After the negotiation, the ox horn King took out a dark horn and put it in his mouth to blow it up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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