The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1235: 1235

"Woo --" a deep and long voice spread out, all over the palace, and then a cow's voice sounded:

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"jimoya boy listened! Your wife is in my hands. Come to die quickly! Otherwise, your wife will be torn to pieces

Jimo ya, who is looking for it, naturally hears it. He is very angry and presses the Yin wind around him for a moment!

Now it's running in the direction of the source of the sound.

Tuoba Yan and Murong Xinnuo quickly follow.

They didn't go far, but they met four others, including Shangqiu Mengqian.

These four people don't know how to meet each other. They are embarrassed. When they see Jimo ya, they immediately call for help!

"Hello, come and help me! It's so bad. It's so bad. It's so bad

Several people looked behind them

A strange hurricane was chasing the four of them

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The hurricane was so fierce that it made a thunderous noise in the place it passed by!

"Ah! Young master! Hurry up, brothers Shangqiu Mengqian first saw them and quickly called out.

Jimo Ya stops.

It's no use not to pull. The speed of the hurricane is incomparable, and the scope is also large. It rolls over to them.

With a cry, the white dragon rushed to the hurricane.

The hurricane is very strong, but the white dragon, as the air overlord, naturally does not fear.

The four men ran up to him and stopped, panting for breath.

"The white dragon of gongziya is still powerful!"

"Oh! Now, it's not good to be envious Shangqiu dream thousand sigh.

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White dragon came to a few dragon tail, the hurricane scattered some, suddenly like found something, a pair of giant claws to the middle!

"Swell!" A big noise, such as a burst of thunder.

"Well?" Jimo Ya was shocked.

"Ah -" everyone felt it.

A tremendous amount of energy came from the middle of the hurricane!

"Lead wind and gang spirit!" Exclaimed the crowd.

Yinfeng gangling is almost a legend.

It is said that it only exists in the extreme strong wind, generally can not detect it, come and go, let alone capture it.

But this rare thing is known to all because of its function.

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This kind of vigorous spirit contains the extremely pure Aura!

How pure is it?

It's not easy to compare lingyao. I won't mention it for the moment.

If a high-level spiritual master is willing to pay a huge price to set up a spirit gathering array, then the aura absorbed by him may reach 100 times as much!

And he used this method to absorb a year's aura, I'm afraid it's not equal to a small group of big fist of wind Gang spirit!

What is the gap?

What a terrible gap!

Everyone's eyes were red, and they all howled and rushed up!


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"Well?" The ox horn king suddenly has a feeling, a pair of cow's eyes are full of doubts.

"Aura! I feel a strong Aura! " After a while, Mrs. fox was excited.

"Is there a treasure?" White Lion King way.

"No!" The king of ox horn sniffed again with a pair of ox noses, "it's aura, pure Aura! Moo - I must get it! "

Finish saying, also don't wait for other two demon to reply, rushed out in a hurry.

Fox Mei lady a gnash teeth, "we all go! Grab that thing first

He called more than ten demon generals and told them to take good care of them. Then he ran after him with the white lion king.

…… , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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