The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1242: 1242

Trying to make a move, he was surprised to find that it was OK.

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"Brush!" For a moment, the figure disappeared.

"Husband Huan Qing Yan was surprised to look at the Jimo ya that suddenly appeared in front of him, "you can calculate to come."

"It worries you." Jimo Ya hugged her, "eh? You're on your way? "

"Yes "Magic Qing Yan happy way," that what lead Phoenix Gang spirit, really good strong, I refining finished, directly Jin level. "

Murong Xinnuo not far away looked at them in silence.

"By the way, how do I feel like it's been years? How long have we been here? No, our little treasure is old already? "

Jimo Ya dumbfounded a smile, "what do you want? It should be just a day. As for the passage of time that you feel, it should be the means of the master demon snake here

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"Well, the snake is really powerful." Huan Qing Yan Dao.

"Of course it is." Jimo Ya said, "it is said that at that time, it was a so-called invincible existence. It was originally the ancestor of the demon clan, and this place should also be prepared for the demon clan. The hurricane here is quite troublesome for the Terran, but for the demon clan with strong body, as long as the cultivation is enough, it is nothing. "

Jimo Ya also knows that Huan Qingyan has little knowledge of this continent and explains it in detail.

"Yes." Jimo Ya looked around, "Why are you here? Who saved you? "

"It was the white dust that saved me." "Magic inclined Yan way," I have been staying here, fortunately the three demon king did not find me. "

"It's strange that the hurricane didn't damage this place either?" Jimo Ya said to himself, four down a few steps, "eh? There's something strange about here

After that, he took a few palms one after another, swept away all the broken stones, and walked around the circle, around the left and right, and stepped on several steps.

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Huan Qing Yan is looking at him suspiciously. Suddenly, there is a channel on the ground!

There are stairs in the passage, not long, but very deep, so you can't see clearly inside.

Because it's illusory.

"This is..." Huan Qing Yan Mu gaped.

It turns out that she has been here What's up there?

Jimo ya but a smile, "this should be the transmission to the fourth hall. I said that the whole Yinfeng hall didn't see the exit. It turned out to be here! "

"Xiaoyan, you are so lucky. You need a stable place to arrange the transmission array. In addition, it is secret, so the demon clan and the hurricane can't help you!"

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"That's it. I don't want to see who I am!" After hearing this, a flower appeared on her small face.

Just then, several footsteps came.

"It's jimoya and them!"

"Pour your face!"

"So it's you. I said, how could there be such a strong red light? You made it?"

They are Shangqiu Mengqian, Nangong Beichen, tuobayan, mingranxie, Baili Jiabao and other people.

Plus Murong Xinnuo, the people who came in this time were all together.

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None of them died.

Ming ran Xie and Bai Li Jia Bao looked at the people enviously.

Because except that they were only promoted and were still Xuanling masters, the others became Wang Lingshi, five of them!

Of course, Murong Xinnuo doesn't count. She is still a true spiritual master.

They were congratulating each other when suddenly a rough cry rang out.

"Moo! Today, my king finally achieved his wish and successfully promoted the rank! Yes, this time it's right. It's right! Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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