The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1243: 1243

The sound resounded through the hall!

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No magic weapon was used this time!

"Not good!" Jimo Ya said in a deep voice, "the ox horn Jin steps to the half emperor, we must hurry to go!"

They all found yinfenggang spirit, and they all came to Wang Lingshi in Jin stage. Naturally, Niujiao king can also find it.

Therefore, during this period of time, everyone did not attend to the fight.

They are all looking for opportunities to cultivate themselves, so they can live in peace.

"A few people, where to go?"

Niujiao seems to hear Jimo Ya's words, drink a lot and fly over.

All the way out bursts of dull thunder, blink of an eye feel closer and closer!

"Let's go!" Jimo Ya drink a big, double fingers such as flying, repeatedly point out, the illusory channel suddenly emit light, around the ripples gently whirl.

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Jimo Ya didn't look at it either, reaching out to hold the magic Qing Yan and stepping into the channel step by step.

Disappeared in an instant!

They didn't have time to ask more questions, so they quickly stepped in one by one.


With a flash of light, Jimo Ya is holding the magic Qing Yan and appears in a strange environment.

Jimo ya a quick glance, then take back the eyes, staring at the exit of the transmission channel, at the same time, double fingers constantly pinch.

"Hahaha, even if you escape to the ends of the earth, it's no use!" The speed of banhuang is beyond people's imagination. The horn of the ox is almost close to the last person, and steps into the passage with one foot!

Here Jimo Ya has stopped pinching his fingers, and an illusory net composed of aura appears in his hand.

Turn your hand and slam it on the exit of the passage!

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"Chi --"

with a slight sound, the channel disappears and the light ripple disappears.

The foot is empty.

Immediately, ox horn emperor Zun's angry roar spread throughout the whole Yinfeng hall.


"Hooray! How close it is Nangong Beichen breathed a breath.

He was the last one to send in, and he could almost feel the cold wind from the horns behind him.

Tuoba Yan said, "originally we were all promoted, but we didn't expect that the cowhorn monster was even more advanced to the half emperor! What bad luck

"The whole demon house was originally prepared for the demon clan." Jimo Ya restored calm, "it can Jin level, it is normal."

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"If it's normal, we're not. Alas Tuoba Yan sighs.

All of a sudden, there was a rustling sound.

The fourth hall was also very dark, and people could not see far away.

When the sound is near, the crowd found that it was a large red and black long insects!

These insects are long and thin like fingers, with sharp projections on their backs, and move forward one after another.

All of a sudden, the front of a few insects suddenly shot, unexpectedly jumped up, quickly shot at the people!

"Ah --"

Huan Qingyan and other women screamed and all of them shrank back.

Jimo Ya took a step forward and flicked a few fingers, "puff, puff, puff, puff, puff!"

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A few insects were bounced off and landed on the ground, but they did not die for a while, and they still struggled and twisted themselves.

Jimo Ya frowned.

At this time, the swarm of insects was approaching, and they were springing up one after another, almost like rain, and came upon them.

All of them tried their best to keep the insects away.

But in addition to Wang Lingshi level of a few people, can repel it, other people's attack can only let the demon insect landing, and then again pounce on.

The defense is amazing.

All in all, everyone is about to catch up with the king level cultivation!

"Husband, what kind of insect is this? How disgusting Huan Qingyan also frowns. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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