The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1249: 1249

For the array, she is only half the level.

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But whether the array is good or not, she is confident that she can see.

At this moment, the transmission channel suddenly lights up.

"Oh, all right!"

Mrs. fox Mei is a little surprised. She hasn't done anything yet. How could it suddenly be better?

It's not about the Terrans, is it?

Is this a coincidence or a conspiracy?

Before she could understand, the cow demon emperor roared, "what are you waiting for? Get in now

With that, he stepped in first and disappeared.

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Mrs. fox Mei saw that the cattle emperor had played a leading role. He was the first to fight against any conspiracy. He snorted and had to step in afterwards.

The rest of the white lion king and other demon families came in one after another.

The ox demon emperor stood in front of the teleportation array, and the ox nose sniffed fiercely.

"Lord Niu, I think the Terrans may have tricks. We should find them out first." Fox Mei lady out of the transmission, immediately said.

Jimo Ya not far away was startled. If it really happened, their plan would be in vain.

They are hidden, but with the strength of the demon emperor, if we carefully investigate, they will be found out.

However, these demon clans should not do this for the time being, because

Sure enough, the ox demon emperor stopped sniffing. A pair of ox eyes glared at the old round, looked up and laughed, "ho ho ho ho ho It looks like I'm a big cow! "

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With that, he strode to the depths of the palace, ignoring the words of Madame fox.

The fox Mei lady gnaws her teeth and has to follow up.

Behind the white lion king and others looked around, also followed up.

As soon as the ox demon emperor stepped into the big cave, he saw the huge hexagonal token placed in the middle.

The token lay there quietly, emitting a faint light.

With its shape, you can feel its extraordinary.

"Demon God order! As expected, it is the demon God order! Moo, Ho, Ho, Ho... " The troll King trembled with excitement.

"Demon God order!"

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Then came to the fox lady and other demons, smell speech can not help but cry out.

Madame Hu Mei, a pair of peach blossom eyes, was staring at the token. She wished that she could not grab her own possession immediately. She doesn't care what conspiracy, demon God order!

There is really a conspiracy, and the demon God order is also a must.

Only now, she can only suppress a manic heart.

This demon God order, can only be the cow demon emperor's, she even if how to think, also in vain.

Behind the white lion king and other big demons, but also each swallow a mouthful of saliva.

If the cattle demon emperor does not have Jin rank, then they still have the right to fight.


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"Ho ho ho I can't believe that I have this day, Niu Ye! "

The ox demon emperor was excited, and strode forward to receive the order of demon God.

All of a sudden, an illusory smoke escaped from the top of the demon God's order, gradually became larger, and finally turned into a demon God snake!

"This..." The ox demon emperor stopped and a pair of cow eyes looked at the empty shadow.

If it wasn't for the pressure from the virtual shadow that made him fear incomparably, at this time, he would not hesitate to clap in the past.

The two red points of the demon God's virtual shadow flickered a few times, sending out a huge roar like thunder, "now the younger generation looks like this? Stupid head, stupid brain, don't you come to visit my ancestor? "

Fox Mei lady a pair of peach blossom eyes stare into longan, lost voice way, "you Is it the demon emperor? "

The power of the demon God has surpassed the emperor. At that time, all the demons were called emperors.

PS: have a good weekend , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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