The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1250: 1250

One of the history of fox seduction is not known.

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"At last there is a demon who understands." The demon God snake light way.

Mrs. fox Mei stepped forward and scratched her head. She pinched her weak and boneless body from left to right. She knelt down on the ground and said, "little girl fox, see the demon God Emperor!"

Even if you know that period of history, but where to recognize the demon God himself?

At the moment, he knelt down on the ground in a panic, "calf, please see the demon God Emperor!"

Mrs. fox turned her eyes secretly.

Aren't you Niu ye? How can you become a calf now?

There are so many potential opponents. Even if such a stupid cow doesn't need to be taught, he knows how to please him.

The demons in the back also understood, and then they knelt down with the sudden Lara, and the sound of worship went up and down.

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The demon God snake nodded with satisfaction.

"Although you are stupid, you can still make it. This demon God order, give it to you! Remember! Easy to use, strong my demon clan

With that, the originally huge demon God Ling Di slipped around, shrunk innumerable times, became the size of a palm, and suddenly flew to the ox demon emperor!

Madame Hu Mei hated to scold her in the bottom of her heart and tried to show off in vain. In the end, she gave the baby to the stupid cow. She was a monster without eyes!

The ox demon emperor took over the demon God order, and when he was still looking confused, the demon God roared!

"I will go!"

The whole cave was shaking violently, and the demons quickly stabilized themselves.

At the next moment, the shadow of the demon God snake broke up and turned into a smoke again, which was injected into the order of demon God.

The original bronze demon God order suddenly sent out thousands of lights, which made the demons unable to open their eyes!

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For a long time, the light converged, and the demon God order had become a shining token.

An invisible threat emanates from the token, which makes the demons want to worship and submit.

This is the true form of the demon God order!

With it, you can command the demons!

The ox demon emperor suddenly laughed, "from now on, I am the first demon emperor of all demon families! Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo... "


Jimo Ya's figure flashed in the distance.

He basically witnessed the whole process of the demon order being sent out.

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Originally, the demon God also concealed this hand.

But now that the genie has disappeared, it's time to move on.

"Terran boy!" The ox demon emperor naturally found out and roared, "boy, stop! Niu ye, I'm in a good mood today, and I've decided to leave you with a whole body! "

Jimo ya, if not heard of, is still full of gallop.

The ox demon emperor was very angry and chased after him with the demons.

"Niu Ye is angry! Niu Ye wants to trample you into meat mud

As soon as the voice dropped, there was a "Qi!"

The original place full of broken bones, suddenly a strong wind, flying sand and stones, the demons in the circle.

This is the array arranged in advance by jimoya and others, mainly illusory array.

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All the demons were in a panic, and they could not see other demons in a few steps, so they immediately made a wild move.

These demon clans, in addition to the ox demon emperor, fox lady, white lion king, there are six new demon kings!

There are more than 20 demon marshals, the demon will not see for the time being.

In the Terran side, there are only five King levels, two metaphysical levels, and one true spirit Master can almost be ignored.

The strength of both sides is not of the same level at all!

Fortunately, the array worked, not like last time.

Outside the array, people appear together. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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