The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1264: 1264


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the whole holy city was a sensation.

Poison Saint actually pulled back a big demon, the big demon can not enter the holy city, can only be locked in the prison above the holy city.

When the demon was pulled back, the people of the holy city had already come out to watch.

Angry crowd, all kinds of throwing stones and aura bombs at the demon, so that the demon's beautiful feathers were smashed to pieces, which was terrible

"Brother, it was killed on the battlefield

"Yes, the demons are all damned. It is said that they almost conquered the black rock city. Fortunately, they and the poison Saint went to the prince's side."

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"Poison Saint Zun is so powerful that he caught such a big demon and let us vent our anger."


The big demon flapped its wings in fear and wanted to fly. It was bound by the invisible aura and could only be in the air.

The voices wailed, and the voice circled the whole holy city.

More and more people came out to see the fun, with all kinds of needle shaped magic weapons, throwing magic weapons, toxic, non-toxic, all of which were called on the body of the big demon.

Poison Saint stood in the square, the voice resounded throughout the city, "this big demon turned into an adult, and has been an undercover spy for several years in our Terran. This time, I stole the demon order and gave it to the demon clan, which caused great losses to our elite. Now I put this big demon here. You have revenge and revenge. However, this demon is dangerous. Don't get close to it... "

"You've been undercover for years? Who is it? "

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"It's shameless. If you steal the demon order, our Terran will face a devastating blow. No matter who it is, I will kill it!"

"Beast, let you know what the pain of a thousand arrows pierces the heart..."

In order to be safe, the poison Saint set a ban near the big demon, forbidding the crowd to approach, as well as not to let the big demon escape.

Poison saint's move is quite vicious, but it has been cheered by all the people.

In such a war, the Terran sacrifice a lot, a lot of resentment, need such a big demon to vent their anger.

More magic weapons, flying needles, flying knives, darts, flying arrows, and all kinds of strange poisonous things are thrown at the big demons in the air.

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The big demon's eyes were desolate, and blood and tears were dripping from the corners of his eyes.


thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow.

Xue Sheng is fighting against the tiger emperor.

The tiger emperor is a majestic flying winged spotted tiger. It has two wings on its back and is quick to move. Its two sharp and thick fangs are exposed.

Every roar is like thunder. Each attack, all flying sand and stone, trees touch that is destroyed, rock touch is broken, very fierce.

No one can see the battle between the Holy Level and the emperor level, because the combat power is too strong, and within a thousand miles, they will be destroyed.

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Wine saint and snow saint are here to guard the border.

The demon clan is now breaking the peace of the past. They are mainly to prevent the emperor level demon from approaching.

Once the emperor level demons cross the border, all the border cities do not need to be guarded. It is almost like entering an uninhabited land.

Snow Saint all over the body, the snow is cold, every snowflake with a murderous air.

"For many years, why did the two spirits and tigers kill each other in peace?"

Flying winged spotted tiger, tiger and tiger, roared, "it's your people who bully others too much. The small tribe of blood washing wolf clan is the first! If we form an alliance with the lions and the wolves, we will surely take revenge... "

"There must be some misunderstanding among them. I suggest that we invite some demon emperors out. We can sit down together, reason and talk about it." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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