The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1265: 1265

"Some time ago, we found the shadow of demons in the holy city. Maybe it was the demons who played tricks. Let the two powerful clans in Lingbao land fight with each other and go to destruction. Then the people behind them will take advantage of the profits!"

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The tiger Emperor didn't listen and growled, "you're doing this again! Brother lion has said that your people can only sophistry, as expected! What demons? Lingbao land has long been without demons. You can take it out to make a raft, so you won't be cheated by you! If you have the ability, you can catch a demon to show me... "


At this time, the aura in front of the snow Saint flickered.

It's an urgent special crane.

This is the spirit crane from the half holy power. Different from the ordinary spirit crane, it can also transmit pictures

Snow Saint opened a look, his face suddenly changed, with an unbelievable, but also Jiao Xu look.

She said to herself, "no way. I've looked at that girl carefully. How can it be a big demon? Yes, it's very well-known

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See the picture on the crane again, a huge Phoenix shaped demon

Just one glance, you can recognize that this is indeed a big demon!

What a demon!

It's not camouflage, and it's not a demon. He can feel the majestic spirit through the image of the crane.

The rank is not low, at least it is king level.

Snow saint for a moment, silent, in the heart of all kinds of taste.

Demon clan, the disciple he received was demon clan!

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He once said that no matter what happened to her, he would be her most solid support

But did not expect, she will be a big demon! The demon God order was also stolen by her to the demon clan

The situation of Terrans is even more severe.

As expected, they are not of our own race. Will their hearts be different?

He was afraid that he could not protect her.

Thinking like this, the heart is the pain of admiration. From his side, the ice layer has become heavier and stacked, forming a series of rolling icebergs.

The strong cold air, let the tiger emperor curse, "Damn, snow old man, what stimulation have you been? Did your daughter die or did your apprentice die again? It's so cold. I'm going to stay away from the wind and fight again tomorrow... "

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At the level of half saint and half emperor, it is difficult to divide the victory and defeat, which can only be consumed and restrained by each other.

With that, he fled back.


Jimo family, lingchi.

A variety of rare medicinal materials have been sent in these days.

All the people in the Jimo family who still stayed in the family and didn't go to the battlefield were worried about Zhongzhong. They worried that he would not wake up for the sake of gongziya.

Originally seriously injured, but later suffered a huge psychological trauma. No matter how powerful a person is, he is also flesh and blood. In addition, gongziya is a person who attaches great importance to love.

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The patriarch Jimo Wuchang and the five elders Jimo have been treating their wounds for a long time.

In the spirit pool of Jimo family, Jimo Ya floats on the water.

It seems that they have lost their vitality.

Jimo impermanence was distressed to look at him, "even cocoon silk does not knot a, this child he does not have the desire to survive?"

The spirit pool is the holy land of Jimo family for healing. If there is a ray of vitality, after entering the spirit pool, it will turn into cocoon silk to wrap itself and recover healing automatically in the spirit cocoon.

The five elders sighed, "ya boy is too affectionate. What he hates most in his life is the demon clan. Unexpectedly, he was cheated by a demon girl for so many years. In other words, no one could bear it, which led to the deterioration of his injury to such a situation We've done everything we can. Now it's up to him. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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