The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1266: 1266

"If ya boy dies, my Jimo family will definitely let that demon girl survive and die!" Jimo Wuchang's handsome face reveals a trace of coldness.

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At this time, the beautiful and pale water, long body Yuli people finally have a trace of breath.

At the corner of his mouth, he said, "Xiaoyan, Xiaoyan..."

Jimo impermanence and Jimo complexity look at each other, great joy.

"Ya boy, are you awake?"

Jimo Ya seems to come out of the endless darkness.

That kind of oppressive black, let him heavy, as shackles, wearing shackles general, let him not walk

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He has only one idea. He has important people waiting for him. He can't stay in the dark.

The man's name, he forgot.

He thought for a long time, a long time

Finally, I remember, Xiaoyan, it's Xiaoyan

Xiao Yan is waiting for him! I've been waiting for him!

So he broke through the darkness and opened his heavy eyes.

When he saw the sun again, he saw the patriarch and the five elders looking at him with sadness and joy.

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Jimo Ya weak mouth, "uncle, elder..."

"OK, ya boy wakes up. You boy, you almost scared us to death." The five elders took out a few worms and put them on the body of Jimo ya.

Help him to adjust his body and clear the congestion.

Before he did not wake up, he did not dare to use insects on him.

Even Mo Ya has no objection. These insects are the best babies raised by their families.

Jimo impermanence also put back a heart, "when the king sent you to our Jimo family from the Black Rock City, I saw your lifeless appearance, and my uncle almost couldn't come back."

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"Let uncle and elder worry, I'm ok." Jimo Ya pulled out a trace of the usual elegant smile.

"Nothing? You dare say you're ok now? Your cultivation has been reduced to Xuanling master, and none of your body is in good condition. It will take at least several years for you to recover completely... "

"Well, it's all over. Ya boy is a genius. As long as you can wake up, everything will be easy to say. If you can recover from injuries and accomplishments, you will not have to worry about anything. Your contribution to the human race is enough. You can keep your body at ease." Jimo is a complex road.

Jimo Ya stands up from the pool.

Five elders gave him a hand, and he barely stood still.

The whole body is full of severe pain, and some places are even unconscious. The meridians and auras in the body are extremely disordered. If there is not much, you can faint again.

But he just hesitated, as if nothing had happened.

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"Don't worry about healing. Uncle, elder brother, how is Xiaoyan now?"

Jimo impermanence's eyebrows jumped, "ya boy, from now on, there will be no Xiaoyan not Xiaoyan, that is, a demon girl. Our Jimo family is the victim. Laisheng has come forward to draw a line between you and the witch..."

"Yes, ya boy, this witch cheated all of us. Forget it. She cheated you for so many years! How did you treat her all these years? Even if it was a wolf, it would have been cooked. She stole the demon God order that you and Shangqiu took their lives for at the critical moment and gave it to the demon clan! This is nature. If you are not of our own race, your heart will be different... "

Jimo Yifan said, vaguely saw Jimo Ya Qi and blood disorder, fainting trend, quickly stopped.

He has more heavy words, did not say, afraid of Jimo Ya caused stimulation. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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