The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1282: 1282

Jimo Ya is not at ease with anyone now. In the yard, in addition to himself and Xiaobao, he doesn't even keep a secret guard. He takes care of all his daily life.

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Xiao Bao had been trained for a long time when they lived in seclusion. Therefore, he never complained about anything. He just missed his mother.

Often mentioned, Jimo ya heart on the five mixed Chen.

"Dad, when will my mother leave the customs?" Asked Xiao Bao.

"If your mother gets stronger, you will be out of the customs. Xiaobao is a man, and he should also pay close attention to practice. "

Jimo Ya doesn't know how many times Xiaobao asked.

After he came home, he wanted to close down, but he couldn't calm down.

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Just accompany Xiao Bao first.

Apart from his time in seclusion, he seldom had time to accompany Xiao Bao.

"My father boasted a few days ago that I had been practicing

"Well, in short, you have to remember one thing. The stronger you become, the less bullied you will be. Do you understand? There is no end to practice. "

"I know, I want to practice the best and help my parents beat the bad guys! But when will father and mother leave the customs Xiao Bao has a drooping face.

Jimo Ya is also a face helpless, "Dad has told you, don't ask. To be patient, practice is to endure loneliness! Whether your mother is here or not, you have to do it, you know? "

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"I see, Dad."

These days, he forced himself not to think about the illusion of Qing Yan, not to think about her present situation, he tried to make himself calm.

But looking at Xiaobao's ignorant eyes, he doesn't know how to explain to Xiaobao. His missing mother will never come back.

The mother he missed was not a Terran at all, but a demon clan. In order to hide in the Terran, he gave birth to him with his own empty will.

The mother he missed, perhaps never really loved him, but took him as the best hiding tool hidden in the Terran.

Even, maybe she is happy to give birth to Xiaobao at the moment. Maybe she still fantasizes that because of Xiaobao, she will be spared?

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How can he open his mouth, how can he cruelly expose the ugly truth under the warm veil to Xiaobao?

Once upon a time, he had a lot of love and tenderness with Huan Qingyan. At this moment, he hated and hated himself.

The one who hates the demon clan the most, who is irreconcilable with the demon clan, married a demon family wife and gave birth to a child.

Jimoya, once the most beautiful and flawless first son, is now the biggest stain on his body, but he spent all his efforts to fight for and pet his wife.

His whole life is like a joke!

What makes his heart ache and unbearable is that Xiaobao, who was originally the most innocent and should be expected by all, should be the most precious child in the world.

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Now we have to bear the heavy burden of the demon family to live on!

The most painful thing for them is that the father and son don't love the most.

Several times, Jimo Ya even wondered whether he and Xiaobao had been cursed. They had a father and a mother, but they always lacked the most sincere and loving mother's love.

He tried to make himself not to hate, not to think, for Xiaobao, even if the heart is bleeding, hatred and betrayal humiliation roar in his heart, he must endure!

Therefore, every time this time, Jimo Ya can only be silent. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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