The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1283: 1283

For a long time, Jimo Ya avoided talking about it every time. Xiaobao seemed to understand something and asked less slowly.

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My mother had no news for a long time, and my father was seriously injured. Every day, he had to go to the medicine pool and soak for half a day to recuperate. In addition, after returning to Jimo's home, my father kept himself in the yard, and the laishengzun who loved him didn't show up. Besides, all the previous rumors were silently recorded by Xiaobao.

He became silent. In the past, he was almost fearless and lively. Now, as long as jimoya went to the medicine pool in seclusion, Xiaobao sat quietly waiting outside the medicine pool.

Only to see Jimo ya come out, a little smile on my face.

Seeing the guards in the dark, a burst of heartache.

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But because of the order of the little Lord, he could only watch and dare not show his voice.

Jimo Ya doesn't know what Xiaobao has changed now. But he has his own worries. Now he is seriously injured and his realm is falling. If it wasn't for the great achievements in front and the prestige in the past, I'm afraid that even Xiaobao can't be protected.

If Xiaobao wants to continue to stay in the Terran, these are all he must learn and endure.

As a father, the only thing he can do for Xiaobao is to make efforts to raise his body and recover to his former level so that he can rely on Xiaobao.

Therefore, on the surface only do not know, but the heart is inevitably sour.

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Every time I come out of the medicine pool, I always hold Xiaobao and play with him for a while.

No matter how sensible Xiaobao is, he can't resist his missing for his mother.

Finally, Xiao Bao couldn't help but pull Jimo Ya's sleeve timidly: "Dad, where is my mother closed? Is the injury better now? Can we go and see her? She must miss us, doesn't she? "

Jimoya, a man with a strong heart like Jimo ya, has a clear and admiring look on Xiao Bao. His heart is sour, and he has a strong hatred for Huan Qingyan. He can only comfort him with a smile: "Xiaobao, my mother is in seclusion in the holy yard. We can't interfere with her, or your mother's injury will slow down! Xiaobao is good, good, wait for mother to come out together with father? "

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Xiaobao hesitated for a moment, but he was still reluctant to give up:" Dad, but I miss my mother. You can go home and shut up. Why don't you take your mother back to close up? Mother can also help father to make spiritual food, and make him better soon? "

Just as Jimo Ya was about to speak, a sharp pain spread from his heart, as if something had been plucked out of his heart.

The pain made him speechless for a moment. He had just recovered his body and could not bear the pain, which made his face white for a time.

Jimo Ya reluctantly still protects Xiaobao in his arms. He gently puts him aside and caresses his head: "Dad is OK, don't be afraid!"

Xiao Bao has two tears in his eyes. He looks at Jimo Ya and doesn't dare to talk.

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At the moment, Jimo ya just feels that he has lost the most important thing in his life. He doesn't care much about it. He opens his mind to see.

But see their own heart split a seam, twining in the heart of the concentric knot is also torn by that gap.

As soon as he was dark, he realized something immediately.

Unreal Qing Yan where only afraid of an accident, otherwise the concentric knot will not break! What happened?

For a moment, Jimo Ya only felt a burst of brain roar, people almost tottering, it took a long time to come back to the mind. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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