The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1292: 1292

Fortunately, he was a demon emperor with amazing physique. He played for a whole night and enjoyed himself.

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daily two: eggs say second times after hardening, Wutong tree where the cool air seems to be not enough, baby is not happy, baby blue thin letinous edodes.

Wutong seals, no matter what they do, they take the clear water from the mountain stream, pour the Wutong tree, and dare not stop for a moment, for ninety-nine days until the leaves of the phoenix tree are restored to be jade.


As time went by, although Bai CHENFENG was busy every day, it was the happiest day for him after he was born again.

There is no plot, no harm, no past, no other people, only he, guarding Xiaoyan, waiting for her nirvana.

That kind of waiting for the heart of the peerless treasure, for her would rather pay everything, waiting for her to bloom the mood of peerless elegance, let Bai Chen Feng happy sometimes doubt whether he is dreaming.

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Is not his infatuation, finally moved God, gave himself and Xiaoyan a new start, no haze opportunity.

Looking at the changes of Xiaoyan's egg shape day by day, Bai CHENFENG feels that he can look forward to a happy future

Four years later.

Yunya courtyard.

Jimo Ya felt like he had a long dream. The dream was so strange that he could not remember anything. He just felt that he had lost something most important. He was so distressed that he could not restrain himself.

Until the pain wakes up.

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Open eyes, see dark Wei Mo four surprised and happy face.

Looking around, I didn't see Xiao Bao's figure. I tried to say something, but I found my voice was very dry.

It took a long time to send out two words: "Xiaobao..."

He remembered that before he was in a coma, he seemed to hear Xiao Bao's cry, and he didn't know whether Xiaobao would be frightened.

Ink four eyes are a little red, see the little Lord so hard, the first thought is small little Lord, dare not neglect, while carrying a cup of warm water to feed the little master to drink, while reporting.

At the beginning, Jimo Ya was in a coma, and Xiaobao was scared to cry. Fortunately, Jimo Ya untied the array before he was unconscious.

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The dark guards were able to get close to the courtyard, and immediately passed the news to Jimo master.

The master and several semi saints came to make a diagnosis. The conclusion was that jimoya was in a state of impatience and was seriously injured. Therefore, he automatically fell into a coma, which was also a reaction of the body to protect itself.

At the beginning, they just let the dark guards guard Jimo ya, and wait for him to wake up. Who knows, Jimo Ya fainted for four years.

Xiaobao's leaving and staying has become the biggest problem. According to the law, Xiaobao is a Jimo family member. Jimoya is in a coma, so the Mohist should be responsible for it.

But Jimo family now on Xiaobao half of the demon clan blood is very repellent, Laisheng attitude is vague, dark guard also dare not give small little Lord so to Jimo home.

Although Xiaobao is small, he has experienced the warmth and coldness of these days, and he is no longer as close to Jimo as he used to be.

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For a moment, they froze.

Fortunately, Xue Sheng got the news and came back from the frontier. He said that no matter what the pedigree of Xiaobao's mother was, Xiaobao was still young and the child was innocent.

He was willing to bring Xiao Bao to the frontier and teach him carefully.

Xiaobao and Xuesheng have always been close to each other, and the dark guards all know that if this Terran, in addition to the little master, is afraid that the little master is the safest only to follow the snow saint, so they all agree.

Xue Sheng ran away from the border with Xiao Bao on that day. He never came back for four years. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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