The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1293: 1293

Jimo Ya listened to the four years of Mo Si's rambling talk about the situation in the past four years

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Four years!

He's been in a coma for four years!

Xiao Yan, what's going on in the past four years?

He can only smile bitterly, the world is unpredictable, did not expect to come true to him, let him have a kind of desolate sad feeling.

Is it too late for him to go to Xiaoyan now?


Let her sad for four years, they get along with each other only a few years?

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It's not four years. It's heaven's going to kill him

Jimo Ya closed his eyes and calmed his excited mood.

"How's Xiaobao?"

Ink four see their master son wake up, is all kinds of taste in the heart, a big man, a shadow shape of people, some sour nose want to cry.

"The baby is very good. She is taken by the snow Saint..."

Jimo Ya put down his mind a little. What he wanted to ask was Xiao Yan's things, but he couldn't ask. He was afraid of If there is any bad news, he is afraid he can't afford it.

Just finished the news of the baby, heard that he woke up, Jimo Wuchang and several elders had arrived in a hurry, so they had to press some questions in the bottom of my heart.

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Jimo impermanence and several elders have been worrying for four years.

Jimo career is the future of Jimo family. It's not a good omen for these four years if you don't wake up.

His life is not much, has been unable to support for a long time, if Jimo Ya does not wake up, after his death, the future of Jimo family is uncertain.

At the moment, I heard that Jimo Ya woke up and immediately put down the matter in hand and arrived.

Jimo Ya wakes up to be a happy event, but after Jimo Wuchang and several elders give him a diagnosis, they find that Jimo Ya is seriously injured, in a coma for too long, has not been timely recuperated, and his strength is greatly reduced. Now he is still wandering around xuanlingshi.

What's more, judging from his current situation, he is afraid that his strength will not recover in a short time. What can we do?

Suddenly, Jimo impermanence and elders worry.

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Now the eight families in Lingbao mainland are scattered after the war between the demons and men.

The pattern has also changed. Jimo family, jimoya, is in a coma. Due to the involvement of Baili family, its reputation and momentum have declined dramatically.

The dream of Shangqiu of Shangqiu family died, and the future is unknown.

On the contrary, the Nangong family, because Nangong and the Murong family are in good health and married with Murong family, are now at the height of the sun, and have the posture of becoming the head of the eight families.

They originally thought that if Jimo Ya wakes up and strength recovers, the position of the head of the eight families will naturally be stable.

But Jimo Ya's strength is greatly reduced, not as much as in the past. How can you support the Mohist school?

Think of here, Jimo impermanence all want to cry, beat spirit consolation to encourage Jimo ya a few words, take elder to leave in a hurry.

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They have to go back to have a good discussion about how to go after the Jimo family.

Jimo Ya can't see any fluctuation on the surface. He sent off the patriarch and several elders with a little sarcasm and desolation in his eyes.

Seeing Mo Siyi's heartache and indignation, he wanted to say something, but he was afraid that the little master would suffer, so he had to hold back quietly.


the news that Jimo Ya woke up was suppressed by Jimo family because his strength did not recover.

Now the position of the head of the eight families of Jimo family is in danger. Instead of waking up jimoya, but the news of the fall of the realm is spread out, it is not necessary to let people think that he is still in a coma, but also has a little deterrent power.

Only the dark guard secretly passed the news to Xue Sheng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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