The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1305: 1305

The drunkard replied quickly and happily agreed.

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Bai Li Zi Xi was imprisoned in the dungeon for a long time, but she was held back by the mad saint. It was because of her that she led to the irresistible decline of the Baili family.

The elite children were almost exhausted in the war. Bai Li Qingyan was found to have the blood of the demon family. After thinking about it, several semi saints also knew about it. I'm afraid there is something wrong in it.

It was such a woman who had been highly expected by the holy yard to confer a saint on her. Under the eyes of the half saint, she almost overturned the whole land of spiritual treasures.

Such evil, of course, can not let her die too cheap.

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Now Jimo Ya wants to see her, naturally, it will not be good, but a prisoner who deserves to die, and a hero of the human race, the wine saint will not brush the face of Jimo ya.

The place is secluded, and the drunkard guides his own way.

On the walls on both sides of the corridor, there are complicated patterns with bloodthirsty birds' heart. These patterns are full of mysterious and strange power, which can trap the soul dead here, and there is no door to heaven and earth.

The chamber of secrets is divided into about ten small rooms, each of which holds a soul. The soul is revealed as it was before birth by secret method. Only the body is slightly transparent and there is no shadow. It can only float in the small compartment.

If the soul accidentally touches any part of this compartment, the secret method above will emit a faint red light, and burn these souls. This kind of soul pain makes them howl pain day and night, and can not be liberated.

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The wine Saint only opened the secret room and pointed to the last room, which was the soul of Baili purple.

Jimo Ya nodded and stepped in. The door closed behind him.

Jimo Ya slowly walked through a compartment, in front of a few souls are still imprisoned, their transparent body has been fragmentary, tottering.

The expression on the face is very ferocious and painful. The mouth is opened to the largest extent. It seems that they are experiencing endless pain. No matter how they howl, they can't make a sound at all.

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These souls, in the infinite long years, have lost the pride of the past, this burning soul of pain, no moment to stop, every moment is suffering.

They don't want to be released now, they just want to be free, even if the soul dissipates.

Therefore, as soon as Jimo Ya came in, those souls rushed to the door of the compartment one after another. Their hands, which could be stretched out, could not make a sound in their mouth. They saw a little crazy eyes of hope in despair, and their mouths kept opening and closing. They were all telling a request: help me! Kill me!

Jimo end of the expressionless walk, until in front of the last compartment stop.

This compartment, a transparent figure curled up in the corner, heard the movement, raised his head to look at the door, on Jimo Ya calm eyes.

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Stunned for a while, the originally dim and godless eyes suddenly brightened frighteningly and rushed over regardless of it.

An uncontrollable, floating body bumps out of the door of the secret room. A dark red light flashes past and covers the figure. Then the transparent face, which was originally restored to its former appearance, shows the color of pain.

Bai Li Zi Xi can't make a sound at the moment, but her bulging eyes, distorted expression, and silent roar all show that she is dying for pain at the moment.

This kind of pain, which can not be heard but can be seen, is enough to frighten a man with a firm mind. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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