The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1306: 1306

But Jimo Ya had no expression before, showing a faint smile, with a sense of cold, looking at a hundred miles purple soul was tortured.

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After a quarter of an hour, I saw the soul of a hundred Li purple paralyzed on the ground, just like a dead fish. It had no strength to breathe in pain, and could only gasp for breath.

Then he opened the door of the secret room and walked in slowly. He looked at the hundred Li purple coldly. The disgusted eyes were just like looking at garbage.

Hundred Li purple Xi was arrested for a short time at the moment, without numbness after a long period of time, and her heart of shame was suddenly sent.

In her mind, always wanted to get, but was abandoned as a shoe man, at the moment is still high, but he has become a wisp of ghost.

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Even if he became a remnant, he was so embarrassed and pitiful that he had to show his red fruit in front of him.

Where can bear this, even if the soul pain to be unable to move, she just did not know where to produce a strength, shaking hands, covering her face.

Even Mo Ya's eyes did not fluctuate at all, and he had no desire to speak to Bai Li Zi Xi. If it was not for the speculation in his heart, he would not come to see her.

Simply put out his hand, in the hundred Li purple Xi fear eyes, hang in the air fixed her soul body.

Hundred Li purple Xi heart panic to the extreme, Jimo ya just want to do?

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But she has been unable to resist, even eyes can not be closed, can only watch Jimo ya hand in a flash.

Only time to scream, and then feel their soul seems to enter something else, suddenly shocked: "Jimo ya, you quickly stop! How dare you search the soul! This is forbidden. How dare you... "

A divine consciousness of Jimo Ya entered the body of Bai Li Zi Xi's soul, and rushed all the way to Zhihai.

bailizhi couldn't help crying out: "please Jimo Look at the past love, please go out, what you want to know, I will tell you! I'll tell you everything! Please... "

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Jimo Ya snorted coldly, and the divine consciousness stirred in the hundred Li purple sea of knowledge, turning her memory to check.

The body of the soul is under control. The mouth can't speak, and the body can't move. The pain of the brain, wave by wave, is even more painful.

Jimo Ya has no mercy at all, and the method is extremely cruel.

She's opened, crushed, and turned into ashes.

Soon, Baili Zixi realized something. Jimo Ya not only wanted to search for souls, but also made himself become a ghost without self meaning!

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Soul searching is a tyrannical and cruel forbidden technique. It is because of this kind of magic. If the operator uses a little rough means, the spirit of the soul searching person will be severely damaged and may become an idiot.

But if you go on the soul searching like Jimo ya, I'm afraid that when he's finished searching, he will become a ghost without any feeling, no memory, no past, no future, forever blank, only remembering the pain!

She won't! She doesn't want to be reduced to that! She is the saint, she is the disciple of the devil! She should have been a beautiful girl of heaven. She was born to be high and enjoy the respect of the world and become famous all over the world!

Why did you get to this point step by step?

Hundred Li purple Xi likes to hate! She hated the so-called demon master and only used it for herself! Since she fell into the hands of the mad saint, she has never been questioned , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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