The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1307: 1307

And hate the mad saint to imprison his soul here! More hate Jimo ya, so cruel to her!

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Knowing that things have been irretrievable, bailizhi simply gave up the struggle, but showed a strange smile: "Jimo ya, even if you erase my memory, how about it? Do you think you can erase everything? You are just a poor man like me!

Ha ha, poor man! Be used by the magic eye to hurt the woman you love, let those who have no good intentions will beat your woman seriously, you actually stab a knife into her heart again! Make her break with you!

Also called why the first childe! Pooh! He's just a fool confused by hatred and magic eyes! What a fool! So a woman who loves you and leaves children for you, is hurt by yourself and gives up!

Personally sent to the hands of white dust seal! I curse you, this life will never lose love, never get forgiveness, lonely end! Ha ha I curse you... "

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At the end of the day, the voice of Bai Li Zi Xi became more and more blurred. She looked at the front quietly. There seemed to be a familiar figure there. She had never left. When she was in the worst situation, she knew that she was using him and never left.

Only silently will own a true heart to her in front of her, but she carelessly took over, and then discarded in the sole of her feet crushed!

Bai Li Ye Jun! Yes, his name is Bai Li Ye Jun! Don't forget! Death can't forget his name!

Bai Li Zi Xi murmured the name: "Bai Li Ye Jun Hundred li Ye Jun... " The look in the eyes slowly darkened, and became dull and blank.

Jimo Ya's soul searching movement, finally looked down at the hundred Li purple Xi, at the moment the soul search has been seven or eight, all her memories are almost crushed to pieces by themselves.

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But the mouth seems to still silently read a name, not willing to give up.

Seems to think of something, Jimo Ya slowly took back his hand, he has found what he wants to know, naturally won't stay long.

Without hesitation, he turned around and stepped out of the chamber of secrets, which were closed behind him.

In the last room of the chamber of secrets, the body of the soul, which was so transparent that it was almost to be dissipated, the light in his eyes was scattered, and there was nothing left.

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Only his mouth still murmured: "hundred li Ye You... "

The first city of demon clan, Xuanwu city.

In the biggest tavern in the city, a group of big men of the demon clan drink the strongest wine in their shirtless. By the way, they talk about the latest news and gossip of demon clan.

To talk about this big event, only the new lion demon emperor devoured the old demon emperor four years ago, got the inheritance of Ziyang vulture emperor, and got the order of demon God. After becoming the first of the demon clan, he negotiated with the Terran to stop the war between the two clans.

It is said that the new lion demon emperor returned to the demon clan after negotiating with the Terran, and then disappeared for four years without knowing where he had gone.

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Now, he is back in the world! This is the biggest news!

"It's said that the new lion demon emperor is back in the River four years later. He's alone. He doesn't have a guard around him, but only a scarlet bird?"

"No, the new lion demon emperor went all the way, but it was bloody all the way

"Tut Tut, our demon clan, except for the old lion demon emperor being swallowed up by the new demon emperor, the tiger demon emperor, the wolf demon emperor and the Peng demon emperor are all closed after the war. Now, the lion clan is the dominant one, and all other clans should avoid three points!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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