The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1308: 1308

"No, in the past, the tiger clan had many cattle, but now they can only live with their tails. Who let the tiger demon emperor close down?"

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"You will be killed by the civet and the wolf clan. This is a big deal, tut... "

"Those fools deserve it! I want an old pig to say, these people are all in the water. Now the lion demon emperor is the number one in our demon family. It's too late to curry favor with him. He has to fight against his old man. In addition to death, he is still dead! "

"If you are a pig's brain, you are stupid! Why did the black dog clan die? It was the old lion demon emperor's confidant! Never surrender to the new emperor! Who will die if they don't die? Why did the greedy wolf die? They have a demon king recently. It is said that their strength is not inferior to that of the old wolf demon emperor. They are not satisfied with the dominance of the lion clan now. They want to kill the new lion demon emperor and go to the top! Can the new lion demon emperor keep him alive

The pig demon called the old pig asked: "where did the civet cat family offend the lion demon emperor?"

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"Cut! The old, the weak, the sick and the disabled of the civet cat tribe should have capital! It's just cannon fodder

One word, but caused other demon clan a burst of regret.

This demon clan, is to rely on strength to speak, you have no strength, can only be cannon fodder.

"Ah, have you heard that the old lion emperor died too fast at the beginning, and the new demon emperor seems to be in a hurry to go to the Terran negotiations, so many of his confidants have escaped. Now they want to revenge for the old lion demon emperor

"Shh - is it all right? If the old lion emperor's subordinates hear this, we will suffer. We should drink and drink... "

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In the remote corner of the tavern, several tall and strong men gathered around a table. Although the table was full of strong liquor, the wine in the wine cup overflowed.

But none of the demons had the heart to drink, and they all looked at the door of the tavern uneasily.

After a while, a humble banyan approached the tavern and winked at them.

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Several strong men immediately got up and put down some spirit stones.

He walked out after the bandemon.

Several figures into a humble house, which has gathered more than ten demon clan, there are fox demon, tiger demon, snake demon, bear demon

The demon of the leader is a tiger demon king. When he sees all the demons, he signals his hand to close the door and watch the wind.

In the house.

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"The brothers are all here. I'll tell you the news we got first. It's said that the new lion emperor has now arrived in the range of the green fox people. Where the terrain is dangerous and easy to defend and hard to attack, we'll ambush there and catch him by surprise!"

"Pooh! How many of our brothers died along the way, in the hands of the new lion emperor, almost have no return, left us these demons, can kill him? Don't dream, go home and get some sleep

"No, it doesn't matter to the tribes like us who have never had a demon emperor, even though the lion clan is big now! It's our tribe's way to die. You hide behind. Now you talk about these useless things. I'll tell you, I'll quit! "

"What's the point of saying that now? We are all grasshoppers on a rope, and no one can run away. You didn't see the new lion emperor's means. Now other demon emperors are closed. The demon family has become a demon people's world. I can't accept it! I can't say I have to fight. Now there are several demon kings in our snake family. Maybe we can have a demon emperor , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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