The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1313: 1313

Behind him was a dazzling wilderness.

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In the next hundred years, the land once occupied by many demon clans will be barren and the aura will be extinct.

White dust seal follows the breath of Xiaoyan adults all the way to chase the past.

The leopard demon who took Xiaoyan away is estimated to be good at speed and body method. This Chase has thousands of miles, and then reluctantly sensed that the breath of Xiaoyan is stronger.

White dust seal heart a joy, also do not care at the moment between the faint stabbing pain, quickened the pace.

Bai CHENFENG's nose is acutely aware that Xiaoyan is nearby. In addition to her breath, there is a strong smell of barbecue?

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White dust in the heart of a surprise, is it not small Yan adults were roasted?

Worried about her comfort, the white dust seal also did not care to astringe the breath, almost rushed in the past.

Turning around a mountain depression, white dust seal finally saw the small figure of little Yan's adult with a touch of vermilion.

She said something to the front, although a bird's face can not see joy, but listen to her voice, as clear as a spring, you know it's OK.

White dust sealed, let go of heart.

Approaching a little, I saw a bonfire in front of Mr. Xiaoyan. There was a pheasant on the fire. It was roasted by the fire and sent out oil. It dripped on the fire and sent out a strong smell of meat.

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Over the campfire is a green radish?

The white dust settled his mind. Looking again, it was a radish plant demon, about the height of a man, holding a lush radish tassel. Although it didn't change shape, the radish had already turned into two eyes.

The radish plant demon is waving seventeen or eighteen radish whiskers at the moment. The division of labor is clear: several are turning the roasted pheasant, some are spreading seasoning, and some are looking after a pot of milk white soup by the fire, and the rest are adding branches to the fire.

It looks dazzled, but it's actually orderly.

The pheasant was roasted into golden yellow, and the aroma overflowed so that Xiaoyan couldn't help swallowing.

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The radish demon separated out two whiskers, Shua Shua a a few times, and turned the roasted chicken into a piece of meat as thin as a cicada wing. He tore off a radish leaf from his head, arranged the meat piece, and handed it to Xiaoyan.

Small Yan adult body small claw is not flexible, radish demon is also very considerate will be able to place the meat in her just to be able to peck.

Xiaoyan, who doesn't know what politeness is at all, naturally accepts it politely. The meat that has just been sliced down is crispy outside and juicy inside. It's delicious and I want to swallow it with my tongue.

After a few times, Xiaoyan solved the meat, chirped at the radish demon, and his voice was full of joy.

Who is this male demon?

In the eyes of the white dust seal, a touch of anger swept quickly.

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How unreasonable! Xiaoyan adults and their own together, have not so happy smile, just a plant demon, even can let Xiaoyan adults smile!

Absolutely not allowed! Xiao Yan can only be your own! In addition to their own, Xiaoyan adult eyes are not allowed to have any people and demons!

Just after the launch of the ban, the anger did not disappear, and at the moment it rolled up again. The white dust seal felt that his eyes were red and his heart was full of murders.

This plant demon can't stay! Must die!

The spiritual power accumulation in his hands shows his own body shape. He puts heavy steps on purpose and walks slowly step by step.

This movement really attracted the attention of Xiaoyan. When he saw the white dust seal, he fluttered his wings and flew over: "Xiaobai, you are coming! How slow! I've been waiting for you for a long time , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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