The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1314: 1314

White dust seal showed an apologetic smile, warm and soft review: "I am not good, let Xiaoyan adults wait for a long time!"

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At the same time, he glanced at the radish demon by the campfire.

Seeing him, the plant demon did not hide in fear, nor did he kowtow. He just lowered his head and continued to turn over the pheasant in his hand. He did not know whether it was the illusion of white dust seal. He always felt that the radish demon seemed to be listless on the radish tassel on his head?

In the heart kill a chance to see, pacify will small Yan adult embrace in the bosom, just cold turn head: "who are you? Why is it here? What about leopard demon? "

Under the pressure of white dust seal demon emperor level, the green skin on his body was suppressed into white skin, and the radish body was crumbling. It was hard to hold out a few words: "my name is Qingluo. I saved Xiaoyan after passing through here!"

I won't say anything else.

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How can there be such a coincidence in the world?

In particular, has been radish demon dare to call Xiaoyan's name? That's your own right! No one can!

Anger has not disappeared, white dust seal is now willing to kill a thousand wrong, can not let go of one.

At the moment, only a nod, the ready to go hand will be pressed down, just need a moment, this is just into the two eyes of the demon, will be able to disappear.

But the hand moves, in the bosom small Yan adult opened a mouth: "small white, can't!"

The body of white dust seal is stiff, look down to the small Yan adult in the bosom: "small Yan adult, you?"

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There is no wrong in the eyes of the sad.

Xiaoyan adult a choke, suddenly feel white dust seal so, let her feel as if did something wrong.

However, she put the idea behind her. She was a noble Phoenix and the boss. Her words should be obeyed, not opposed!

What's more, as the eldest, Qingluo saved herself, and Xiaobai still had to kill them. She didn't do such ungrateful things!

So hard under the heart, eyes a cold, repeated: "this adult said, can't!"

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Bai Chen Feng's dark eyes on Xiao Yan's are not illusions. He seems to see a flash of golden light in his eyes, which makes his eyes more and more ruthless and cold.

He couldn't help hesitating.

Xiaoyan, hesitated for a moment, then opened his mouth: "he saved my adult, I want to take him as the second younger brother!" That's a grudging explanation.

After hearing this sentence, Bai CHENFENG was silent for a moment, put down his hand, and restrained his murderous spirit. He was obedient.

It's just the look in Qingluo's eyes. It's cold and terrible.

Turning around, he hugged Xiaoyan and asked what happened after she was abducted.

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It turned out that Lord Xiaoyan was locked by the blue light, and could not get rid of it for a moment. She was carried away by the leopard demon. The speed was so fast that the green light seemed to be able to lock the Demon power in her body. She was dizzy for a moment.

I don't know how long I ran, but I barely woke up. I just met Qingluo. The leopard demon was too fast for a moment to stop and went straight to Qingluo.

Qingluo was not in a hurry. He stretched out his radish whiskers and tripped over the leopard demon.

The leopard demon fell out and let go of his mouth for a while, and Xiaoyan was thrown out and fell into the arms of Qingluo.

The leopard demon came back to his senses and attacked Qingluo without asking about the purity. Although Qingluo was a plant demon, he had a lot of medicine bags made of plants in his hand. He lost a few and killed the leopard demon's dizziness. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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