The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1315: 1315

It can be regarded as saving Lord Xiaoyan.

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Although the white dust seal in the heart still has to worry about, but since Xiaoyan adult seems to appreciate this radish demon, he doesn't say anything on the surface.

It's late at the moment. Xiaoyan is still a young bird after all. Once he comes back to the familiar white dust and has enough to eat and drink, he can't resist it, and his sleepiness comes again and again.

Looking at Xiaoyan's dozing off with pecking rice, Bai CHENFENG carefully hugged her in his arms and comforted her along her feathers. Soon she fell into a dream.

When she fell asleep, white dust sealed fingers flicked, a small border covered her, so that she could not hear the outside voice, then opened his eyes and looked at the radish demon sitting quietly on one side not far away.

No matter you look at the emperor's eyes, it doesn't matter if it's a fake. If you know something, leave quickly, don't appear in front of the emperor and Xiaoyan in this life! Otherwise, the next time we meet, we will die! "

The radish tassel on the head of the radish demon shook and did not speak.

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In front of Qingluo, the dust is flying, and a deep hole is revealed.

He gave a sarcastic sneer: "are you going? This is where you are buried! "

The radish demon took a look at Xiaoyan in his arms, then looked at the deep pit, shook the radish whiskers, and jumped down.

Bai Chen was stunned. When he went to the pit and looked down, he saw that the radish whiskers on the radish demon quickly penetrated into the soil wall of the pit. After two gouges, the whole radish body disappeared


Nangong family.

Nowadays, the biggest event of the clan is the wedding ceremony of Nangong family leader, Nangong Beichen.

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Now, a hundred people in the north of the palace are not injured.

It was the first great event of the Terran family after the war of the demon.

Therefore, it was also very lively.

Eight families, four university palaces and three empires also sent people to congratulate them.

Outside the hall, the guests were bustling and noisy.

All the guests who came to attend still remember that a few years ago, the grand marriage between Jimo family and Baili family has changed.

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The wedding of Nangong family, apart from the seclusion of the semi saints and the guardians to be guarded, all the rest did not need to be poor at the beginning of Jimo family.

Guests can only comment on it in their hearts. Baili Qingyan is now the taboo of Jimo and Baili families. No one mentioned it without a face.

It's just that some people have heard that this time the Jimo family came to attend the wedding ceremony. It turns out that it's a childe's career that hasn't been healed for many years.

Therefore, everyone looked for his figure in the VIP seat, but failed.

On the seat of Jimo family, there is an elder of Mohist school. At the moment, he is drooping his eyebrows and looking at the wine cup on the table without expression.

The backyard secret room of Nangong family.

Should be in front of the bridegroom Nangong Beichen and Jimo Ya sitting.

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In front of them was a pot of sake and two full glasses.

But no one came.

There is silence between them. Nangong Beichen doesn't speak. He looks at Jimo Ya with sarcasm.

The heart is not without emotion, four years ago that incident to everyone's blow is too big.

Where Xiaoyan is now and how the situation is unknown to him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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