The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1316: 1316

The Jimo career, which was heartless and heartless at the beginning, was bewildered by hatred, and let Xiaoyan die completely. Now, it seems, it is not easy.

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After several years of recuperation, the state of mind seems to have declined.


But at the bottom of my heart, Nangong Beichen still admires Jimo ya. Even if he is merciless to Xiaoyan, he is a real hero to the human race!

Now, his heart is lonely.

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When he was in a good mood, Nangong Beichen wiped his face. He didn't have much time. He had to go to the hall to get married later. If he had any words, he said, "what can I do for you?"

Jimo Ya nodded and got to the point: "at the beginning, Bai CHENFENG said that everything was Murong Xinnuo playing a trick. She framed Xiaoyan. Why do you want to keep her in front of the semi saint and marry her?"

Nangong Beichen couldn't help but open the mocking mode: "you still mean to call Xiaoyan now? Didn't you break off with her? Don't you allow her to be tortured and abused, and then push her into the abyss of sin with your own hands? You let her despair, was taken away by the white dust, life and death do not know! You have the face to call her name? "

Jimo Ya has a colic in his heart, his own sin, regret gnaws at his heart day and night, and is hard to sleep at night. At the moment, Nangong Beichen finds out that he is directly scolded on his face.

I don't know why, this merciless scolding, let him feel that the pain that makes him breathe hard seems to be lighter.

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He lowered his eyes and let Nangong Beichen vent his anger in his heart, and then opened his mouth: "since you scold me and hold injustice for Xiaoyan, why do you want to marry the culprit who framed her?"

"I am -" Nangong Beichen was angry.

I know Jimo Ya is not a good man, what kind of hero! Pooh! He seems to be a high bearing, but actually he is not willing to eat at all!

Patience and patience, Nangong Beichen reluctantly did not throw Jimo Ya out.

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Take a deep breath, just meaningful way: "at that time, there was no evidence to prove that it was Murong Xinnuo? Half saints can't find out. There must be some secret we don't know. Murong was originally the daughter of Murong family. She was in charge of Nangong family. Since I took her back to Nangong family, she has been very considerate and affectionate to me. I also think this daughter is a good match! I'm also envious. You and Xiaoyan made a concentric knot that day. I heard that the couple of Tongxin knot are concentric, and they can know each other's wishes, but there is such a thing? "

Jimo Ya's eyes moved and tasted it carefully. Then he raised his head and looked at Nangong Beichen's eyes full of surprise.

Nangong Beichen only smiles and raises the glass in front of him: "if you sincerely want to have a wedding banquet, please drink this cup! If you come for something else, please come back! "

Jimo Ya from the good up, see also did not see the glass on the table, bid farewell to leave.

Looking at the back of Jimo Ya's departure, Nangong Beichen quietly drinks up the wine cup in his hand. As soon as he throws it away, the wine cup falls on the ground and smashes into pieces

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Xiao Yan had a good sleep, as if he had a dream.

Wake up and remember nothing.

Open his eyes, on the white dust seal on the hard jaw, he stopped a Ling crane, eyebrows deep, thoughtful.

Aware of Xiaoyan adult wake up, white dust seal will be in the hands of the spirit crane fly out, low head, the whole person is soft down, "Xiaoyan adult, you wake up? Is there any discomfort? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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