The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1317: 1317

Xiaoyan adults lazy in the white dust seal of the lapel rubbed, just slowly stood up, looked around for a moment, found something missing.

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Looking back on it, I found that the second younger brother who had just been collected yesterday had disappeared.

Eyes a cold, looked to the white dust seal: "green Luo?"

Bai CHENFENG smiles, pats Xiaoyan's head, and coaxes a child's mouth: "that radish demon, after you fell asleep last night, you received a spirit crane, said there was an urgent matter to go, let me say sorry to you."

Although Xiaoyan adult just Nirvana not long, but she is not stupid, white dust seal this excuse said insincerely.

She and the radish demon yesterday, no, it was Xiaoqing who said that she would receive him as his younger brother, and later he would be the second-largest general under his command.

Xiaoqing also said that he did not care about himself. Anyway, he wanted to go out of the mountain and promised to follow her.

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At the moment, Bai CHENFENG said that he had something to leave. Who did he cheat?

Xiaoyan is not very happy in his heart. However, Xiaoqing is only a younger brother who was accepted yesterday, and he ran away with Xiaobai as soon as he was scared.

Forget it, she is a noble Phoenix, such as spineless little brother, run also ran.

Flat mouth, small Yan adult said not happy, not Xinghu.

White dust seal see small Yan adults nest in the arms of sultry, the heart is soft.

However, there is still no room for discussion about driving away the radish demon!

Xiaoyan adult side, can only have their own existence! In the eyes of Xiaoyan, you can only see yourself!

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White dust seal paranoid wish to small Yan adults all beautiful can only see a person.

Seeing that Xiaoyan was not happy, he put down his body and coaxed him in a low voice: "Lord Xiaoyan, there is no fun outside. Let me take you to the demon palace for a few days? It's more fun out there than this one! "

After the first battle of Qinghu mountain, Bai Chen Feng, who thinks he can protect Xiaoyan, is also alert.

Those demon clans who do not deal with themselves, means emerge in endlessly, and now also kill them.

If there is another accident, he can't afford it.

It's safer to come back to the lion palace. After all, it's your own territory. Let Xiaoyan live in it first. When he finishes cleaning up the restless demon clan, he will take her to travel in the demon world. That's the beauty of the world.

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Xiao Yan's popularity comes and goes quickly.

Listen to the white dust seal so said, immediately put the unhappy just behind, immediately excited.

White dust seal looked at the arms and excited up the small figure, a smile: Xiaoyan adults, you are only responsible for happy, everything outside me on the line!

The lion palace, which had been vacant for several years, became lively.

His Majesty the lion demon emperor who left suddenly a few years ago is coming back. The attendants of the lion Palace are full of spirit and must satisfy his majesty.

However, the new emperor of the lion demon has not stayed in the palace for more than five days since he ascended the throne.

The attendants of the full palace can't find anyone who knows his Majesty's preference.

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Even if it is very strong, I don't know where to use it!

The attendants were all in a daze when they were planning a big fight.

Only four years ago, the servant in charge of the study had the most contact with his Majesty the lion demon emperor.

They went to consult him.

Huang FA's servant was flattered. After thinking hard, his majesty read a few books about raising young birds of the bird family. He didn't have any special hobbies. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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