The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1322: 1322

Inside the lion demon palace.

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In recent days, except for occasionally nibbling on some top-grade fruit and drinking two mouthfuls of boiled Lingquan, Xiaoyan doesn't accept any raw and cold food.

Those top-level rabbit meat, moonfish, peach blossom shrimp, that is the dream of every demon race, can taste is a great blessing of the top ingredients.

In front of her, it's all scum.

Don't don't don't don't want what you dislike!

From the beginning of their own reluctantly eat in, spit out, to now see spit, and then did not see, smell spit.

I can't help but watch Xiaoyan grow thinner and thinner, even the feathers are not so red.

The white dust seal heart worry unceasingly, the anger in the eye is also more and more heavy, the eye tail already appeared the light scarlet.

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Finally coax small Yan adults reluctantly swallow a few Bigu Dan, watching her sleep.

Bai CHENFENG left her room.

As soon as he left the room, his look changed. Half of his face was red as if it were bleeding, and the other half was full of gloomy green and black air.

It hovers ferociously under the skin, as if to break through.

The white dust seal takes a deep breath, reaches out to point his several acupoints, and reluctantly dissipates the red and Green Qi on his face.

He immediately rushed out of the palace.

Before running out of a hundred Li, the red and Green Qi could no longer be suppressed and became violent in the body.

White dust seal only felt a piece of blood red in front of her eyes, only one thought in her heart, kill!

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Reluctantly there is a trace of reason, so that they do not turn back, toward the front, front

This way, as long as it is in front of him, whether it is a mountain stone or a demon clan, all are strangled into powder by the green and red Qi in the body of white dust.

It took about ten miles to kill them all the way, and the two violent spirits subsided.

The blood red in front of the white dust seal faded, and the whole person woke up. The white clothes on his body had already become bloody clothes, and the smell of dampness was hard to cope with.

The finger tip still drops the blood of which demon clan, the whole person is like hell Shura

At the gate of the lion demon palace.

Now see so many demons to apply, even if the servants of the demon Palace are tired into dogs, they are willing to.

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At least my life was saved.

Through the audition, preliminaries, semi-finals, five days later, finally selected 10 demon chefs into the final.

The final final was held in the square in front of the lion palace. The white dust seal had no spirit, and even the feather was soft. Xiao Yan was the first.

Ten demon kitchens are lined up below, providing food materials and making dishes face to face for the judgment of Xiaoyan.

One of the top ten chefs in the final is so green.

It's the radish demon!

How dare he come? White dust seal secretly gritted his teeth and decided to kill him as soon as the game was over.

The competition officially began under the announcement of the head of the uterus.

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The final is the most common fried butterfly meat.

For a time, the square knife shining, fire ran slowly, and from time to time there are pots, bowls and ladles hitting each other.

White dust seal but remembered that he and Xiao Yan broke up that a taste meeting of the cuisine masters of Zhuyun empire.

Looking down at his arms, he was so hungry that he didn't have any strength. His eyes closed and his lips curled up in a small arc.

Had missed, but now, he has grasped in the hand, will never let go again!

After a while, the attendants presented the dishes prepared by the ten demon cooks.

At first glance, we don't talk about the taste, at least the color and fragrance are good. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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