The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1323: 1323

From Bai CHENFENG's point of view, although these demon kitchens are not as good as the people's cooks, they can barely pass the sight.

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He paid special attention to the dishes made by the radish demon, which was not outstanding among the ten demon cooks. It was ordinary and not surprising.

It is to put down the heart, want to come to Xiaoyan adults only because of the first time to eat cooked food, so just remember.

Now there is a better craft than that radish demon, I'm afraid it will be forgotten.

Under the sign of white dust seal, the dish of radish demon was put at the end.

In the full view of the public, the white dust covered vegetables, sent to the mouth of Xiaoyan, gently coaxed: "Lord Xiaoyan, the demon cooks are ready, you try to see if there is anything to your taste."

Xiao Yan opened his mouth lazily. As soon as he entered, he spit out mercilessly: "it's bad to eat!"

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Originally full of self-confidence, but also because it is the first demon emperor to see the demon kitchen, suddenly legs soft kneel on the ground, saying that damn it!

He was dragged down by his attendants.

After a few demon cooks, the complacent heart suddenly disappeared and became uneasy.

Bai CHENFENG fed eight of the remaining nine dishes, and none of them could be eaten by Xiaoyan. The eighth one almost made her vomit out of the two Lingquan water she had drunk in the morning.

Frightened, Bai CHENFENG quickly put down his chopsticks and gave her good luck.

Finally, Xiao Yan was still thinking about: "don't you say ten cooks? Why did you eat nine

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White dust sealed hands a stiff, look at the distance that silly radish demon, and then look at the dying Xiaoyan adults.

He bit his teeth secretly, stretched out his chopsticks, and made the butterfly meat which was not so excellent by the radish demon.

I don't believe it. It looks so bad. Where will it taste.

As soon as the meat entered Xiaoyan's mouth, she opened her eyes and swallowed the meat: "it's Xiaoqing's taste!"

With the wings of the white dust seal holding chopsticks hand, suddenly jumped to the table, like pecking rice, all the meat in his mouth to eat into the stomach, just about to speak.

Suddenly stopped: "yes --"

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Bai CHENFENG was startled, immediately lifted Xiaoyan up and observed nervously, and asked: "what's the matter? Is there something wrong? "

While ordering, let the bodyguard catch the radish demon.

Xiao Yan's adult wings clapped his hand and tried to struggle himself out: "there is aura. There is aura in Xiaoqing's meat. It seems that my adult is going to break through!"

Then she closed her eyes and stood still. Her red hair had no wind, and a little aura whirlpool appeared on her head.

With the white dust sealed realm, it is natural to see that at this moment, Xiaoyan is the critical moment to impact the demon commander.

The aura moves in Xiaoyan's body, and finally a red and fiery faba bean sized demon pill is condensed in the Dantian field, dribbling and spinning.

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The handsome man has opened his eyes.

Her whole body was bigger, and her vermilion fur was more gorgeous and faintly golden.

As early as Xiaoyan was about to break through, Bai CHENFENG drove others far away, leaving only the radish demon and setting a border.

At the moment, seeing Xiaoyan sober up and improving his realm, he can completely put down his mind.

Just looking at the radish demon's eyes full of exploration, a small plant demon, the dishes made actually have aura, but also let Xiaoyan breakthrough. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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