The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1341: 1341

Xiao Yan's face is really disgusted. It's just too tasteless. It's not high-end at all. It's foreign-style.

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She is so beautiful that she has to go to catch insects with a group of chicks who even talk ill.

I really don't want to have this kind of black history.

Originally intended to refuse to participate, or radish demon advised her, as if it was a picnic, go out to relax.

In the past few months, apart from studying, Xiaoyan has no time to play in the sky.

Besides, the radish demon also said that he would follow Xiaoyan and bring all kinds of seasonings. Then, he could make a big meal in the wild.

At the thought of all kinds of novel delicious food, Xiaoyan couldn't stop her saliva, and immediately agreed.

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The hunting competition is limited to young birds and confined to remote valleys.

This place has long been cleared by the adult bird demons of the bird tribe, and the animals and plants that harm the young birds have been removed.

What's more, from time to time there are adult bird demons who patrol the air, as long as there are young birds calling for help, they will go to rescue the young birds.

Security is safe.

In addition, there are many young birds who invite their parents and family members to participate. In fact, the significance of entertainment and relaxation is greater than that of competition.

So on the day of the competition, countless young birds participated with their families.

Noisy, chirping, not waiting for the eagle demon king announced the start of the competition, has been impatient young birds, chirp of the valley to go.

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All of them scattered into the valley one after another. They were in groups of three and five, enjoying themselves very much.

Xiao Yan and the radish demon fell behind, and did not fight with other birds. They were slow and leisurely, and their mind was not put on catching insects at all.

On the contrary, I was very interested in the plants that I didn't know and looked good all the way.

From time to time came: "Xiaoqing, look at this, it looks fat and tender, can you eat it?"


"Xiaoqing, look at this. It's so beautiful. Let's roast it to eat?"

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"Xiaoqing, Xiaoqing, come on, I found a big piece of fruit. It looks like it's good to eat..."

"It's called fruit. I'll keep drooling after eating it..."


Although all the way to be hit, Xiaoyan is still interested, very interested in the jungle to find.

The fruit on the tree, the flowers on the branches, and the grass stems in the soil were all dug out by her, asking if there was anything to eat.

The radish demon followed her, just shaking his head or nodding.

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The two demons went deeper and deeper. Slowly, they left the army. In front of a bush, there was no trace of bird demon.

Xiaoyan, regardless of his image, went into the Bush and searched for a long time. Then he found that under the Bush, there was a small, insignificant, green mushroom that almost mixed with the weeds around him. It was round and tiger headed, and it looked very cute.

If it wasn't for her good eyes, she would have missed it.

I've never seen such a mushroom. It must be delicious! Xiao Yan thinks so.

Open his mouth and gently pick up the mushroom, as if the treasure of the hand to the radish demon in front of.

"Xiaoqing, this mushroom looks good. Is it good to roast it?"

When the radish demon saw the green mushroom, his eyes moved. He seemed to find something. He poked out a radish whisker and pressed it on the top of the mushroom for half a day. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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