The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1342: 1342

Only slowly opened his mouth: "this is a strange plant demon, has already had the consciousness, if not raises first, looks after after has what change?"

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"Listen to you, raise it first, it's not enough to eat, fatten up and then bake it!"

Rao is such a calm demon as the radish demon. He can't help shaking the radish whiskers all over his body. He looks at Xiaoyan with helplessness in his eyes.

He seems to have cultivated the Phoenix into a foodstuff? If the lion demon emperor knows, I don't know if he will crush himself?

Although Xiaoyan didn't help, the radish demon also collected a lot of fresh wild vegetables and fruits, and then fished two fat fish and a few prawns from the river. The prototype of a big meal was already necessary.

Choosing a place close to the water, the radish demon set up a stove, and soon a meal full of wild flavor was delivered.

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Xiaoyan is very used to taking shape first, having a good lunch, and finally having a bowl of thick milk white wild vegetable stewed fish soup.

After drinking, he saw the so-called conscious little mushroom at his feet. After thinking about it, he took out a pill with medicinal fragrance from the mustard seed space sealed by the white dust, and dropped it into his unfinished soup.

Then he poured it on the head of the small mushroom.

The fish soup is still hot, poured on the mushroom, and the heat rises.

The mushroom looks fragile. It seems that it can be crushed with a little strength. It is watered by hot soup, but it has nothing to do.

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It seems more energetic.

In particular, a few drops of hot soup spilled on the ground, the mushroom also seems to be reluctant to give up, quietly from the root of a thread, will be the few drops of hot soup absorbed trickling down.

Xiaoyan is happy. This is really mushroom essence. I have a sense.

It's not over. There's a sudden change.

The mushroom grew in the wind in an instant, and then, in an instant, turned into a human form.

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Xiao Yan's grown-up was suddenly silly.

The radish demon took over her bowl which almost fell on the ground with radish whiskers. She dipped into it and touched it. Then the steady voice line was full of helplessness: "did you actually water it with a miraculous elixir?"

This is the perfect tonic pill of the demon clan. It is very rare. It is estimated that Bai CHENFENG, the rich and powerful demon emperor, just threw it to Xiaoyan.

Xiaoyan also threw it on the mushroom.

The shape of a mushroom turned man is a man with aloofness and arrogance. It seems that he is still a little surprised. When he looks up to see Xiaoyan, his eyes brighten, he immediately pounces on him: "tilt As expected, you are still reluctant to part with me. Did you come to save me? You've become more and more beautiful... "

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Xiao Yan's whole body was shocked and her face turned white. This one glance at the male plant demon who looked a little familiar, as well as those several inclinations, all made her have a sharp pain in her mind, and countless memory fragments rolled and twisted in her mind.

She looked at the man in front of her, and she remembered.

He is Shangqiu Mengqian, it's him!

There is also a thousand chattering Shangqiu dream in my ear Incline It's so nice to see you. I'm so sorry to die! I tell you, I found Murong Xinnuo is not a good man, she colludes with the fox lady, the traitor is her! I just found a little clue. I haven't had time to tell you. I was forced to explode by the demon emperor. I don't know whether the ox nose was killed by me in the end? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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