The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1343: 1343

By the way, incline, that Murong Xinnuo colludes with Madame fox, is there nothing wrong?

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Poor me Yushulinfeng, a pianpianpian childe, after the explosion can only be attached to my Lingbao mushroom, to leave a small life.

However, we are destined to meet each other for thousands of miles. You see, we are predestined. I can meet you even if I die! In order to comfort my wounded heart, lean and reward me with a kiss?

By the way, what's the big radish standing next to you? Your new Lingbao?

Qing Qing, you can't do this. If you lose to longlingbao of Jimo ya, you can't hook up with other Lingbao. Radish is not as good as my mushroom. You see, I blew myself up. It's not my mushroom Lingbao who saved me. I don't know where I died... "

Shangqiu Mengqian will hold the words for several years and save them together.

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I heard him murmuring all by himself.

Having recovered all his memory, Huan Qingyan coldly looks at Shangqiu dream chattering on and on, recovering himself into a bird shape.

When he was seen by Shangqiu Mengqian, he was shocked and pale Tilt, how did you become a bird? Shit, I've only disappeared for a few years. How come you've changed your species? What about Jimo? What has become of him? No, the radish around you is him

Huan Qingyan coolly signals the radish demon to clean up the mess of the picnic, and then in Shangqiu Meng Qian's surprised eyes, he turns around and shows Shangqiu Meng Qian the scar on his back.

"Qing Qing, who did this? Who hurt you! Tell me, I'll beat him! " Shangqiu dream once saw the scar, his eyes were red, the gag just now disappeared, the rest is full of heartache and self blame.

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Huan Qingyan turns back and looks at the red eyes of Shangqiu dream, but his mood has no half fluctuation.

The tone is very calm and tells Shangqiu Mengqian exactly what happened after fleeing the demon god house.

Finally, I turned my head and looked at the scar behind me and summed up indifferently: "this scar reminds me that the two clans of human and demon are irreconcilable. I have nothing to do with the Terran, and I have nothing to do with the Terran! However, in the past, I will spare your life. You will practice in our demon clan for the time being, and when you recover the humiliation you suffered on that day with the Terran, it will be the day for you to return to the Terran! "

The tone is firm and firm, and does not mean to change the world.

One side has been cleaning up the remnants of the picnic radish demon body a shake, seems to be scared by this murderous spirit.

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Shangqiu Mengqian looks complicated and looks at Huan Qingyan. He just wants to say something, but suddenly he is weak, and the whole person is soft. He knows that this is the medicine effect of the elixir just now has passed, and he will become a mushroom again.

I can't help but look at the unreal Qingyan, full of sincere meaning in the eyes.

Huan Qingyan looks at the figure of Shangqiu Mengqian falling down slowly. His eyes are calm, as if looking at an ordinary mushroom.

When Shangqiu Mengqian completely turned into a mushroom, Huan Qingyan refused to pick and pull the mushroom with his claws. He said coldly, "you put him away and take it with you. If you have any needs, you can look at it. Don't be too good. Just save your life!"

"Yes The radish demon picked up the mushroom and agreed.

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People, Shangqiu family.

Patriarchal courtyard.

The elders of Shangqiu family and the poison saint are present.

The patriarch pondered for a moment and then said, "we just received the news from the demon clan that the boy Mengqian was not dead. After the explosion, his spiritual treasure was left alive. But now still attached to the mushroom body, in the demon clan to heal , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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