The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1351: 1351

Now she felt that there was no difference between man and demon.

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No matter it is a person or a demon, they are all the creatures in the land of Lingbao. No one is more noble or inferior than anyone.

"Xiaoyan, whether you are a man or a demon, you are the most beautiful one!" White dust seal says sincerely.

Huan Qing Yan rolled a white eye.

At this time, the illusion of the Qing Yan, a white skirt, the hem decorated with several dark diffusion-shaped dots, such as the falling ceiling, noble without losing the jump off.

The natural white and red cheeks, like a perfect artwork, can't bear the slightest damage.

A pair of bright eyes, like a pair of dancing spirits, are always telling their true feelings.

This record of white eye, is a flash of glory, let white dust seal feel full of happiness, like drinking a cup of strong liquor, immediately drunk.

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He fell to the sky!

Huan Qing Yan is surprised, a wave of sleeves, a red line straight to the white dust seal and go.

This red line seems to be pulled by people, winding around the white dust seal body, extremely flexible.

After a long time, Huan Qingyan takes back the red line and stands silent.

The white dust sealed on the ground convulsed, and his muscles and veins swelled, as if the next moment was about to burst out and spurt blood.

Fortunately, his physique is much stronger than before. This phenomenon has not happened.

For a long time, the white dust seal awoke, touched his head and stood up.

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"Xiaoyan, I just

Huan Qingyan interrupted his words, "you've had this problem for a while, haven't you?"

After absorbing the blood essence of the old lion emperor, he may be too eager for success, leading to unstable state, disordered Qi and blood, and sometimes going crazy

Because of this, he will send Xiaoyan back to the bird clan, not with him.

He is always in pain and can't take care of Xiaoyan.

He doesn't know how long he can support it, but he will try to suppress it. If he wants to protect Xiaoyan forever, he must have strength and life.

"This is the curse of the old lion emperor. It has penetrated into your blood and must be eradicated. Otherwise, the consequences will be serious." Look at this situation, within two or three years, there is no doubt that the white dust seal will die.

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If it had been put in the past, she could not see it at all. Even if she did, there was no way.

But it's not the same now.

"Xiaoyan, you don't have to worry, I will control myself. By the way, where's that radish? "

"Xiaoqing has nothing to do with it. You don't have to worry about it." Huan Qing's face is cold and natural pride.

"You've got a lot of trouble. I'm afraid it's a big problem after a long time. If you believe me, open your mind and I'll treat you. "

"Of course I believe it! But, Xiao Yan, how can you solve it? " White dust covered, without hesitation.

"The ancient inheritance memory just has this solution inheritance."

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"Xiao Yan, you are so good." It's much better than his demon king.

It's not that his fighting power is low.

However, he did not have the ancestral inheritance of the demon clan and suffered a great loss in this respect.

The powerful demon clan is inherited from ancient times. After awakening, there will be many benefits. However, the demon emperor who became a monk in the middle of the road is far from comparable.

White dust on the face showed a sense of relief, good, so strong, can reverse the small face of all living beings, good.

He changed her from the Terran with the demon God order, is not waiting for the arrival of this day? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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