The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1352: 1352

"Xiaoyan, come and help me cure it. It doesn't matter if it's not cured."

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For Xiao Yan, what else does he not believe?

In this world, who can make him believe more than Xiaoyan?

It's too late for him to understand!

Huan Qingyan looks at him quietly, and a sentence comes out of his mind: "it's hard for water to have experienced the sea..."

But in an instant, she had calmed down.

"It's a bit of a certainty, but." Huan Qingyan glanced at him, "the process is very painful! You have to think about it. "

"Think about it! Come on White dust seal pat chest.

Huan Qingyan no longer speaks, looks dignified, and points out a finger.

A flame was born out of thin air, like transparent, with only a little red light flashing on it, indicating that there was a fire here.

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As soon as the flame comes out, the space around it is distorted, which makes people unable to see the reality and almost think that they are dazzled.

The white dust seal has yet to be seen again. The flame swished and darted into his body.

"Open your mind and keep the sea of knowledge steady!" Huan Qing Yan cheered.

If you want to open your mind and let other people explore your body without omission, if it is not your immediate family members, most people would not do this.

Because it's too dangerous.

This is tantamount to presenting oneself unreservedly to others. As long as others have any bad thoughts, they can't stop them.

In a word, this is to give life and death to others.

Huan Qing Yan is also very careful.

She has found out the abnormality in the white dust laden body, and plans to use the Phoenix Fire to eliminate all kinds of Qi and blood in his body.

And this, no doubt, requires the full cooperation of the other party, without reservation.

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She believes that she can do it, and she also believes that Bai CHENFENG can do it.

What is uncertain is whether the white dust seal can hold on.

"Ao --"

a roar of astonishing sound came from the seal of the white dust.


It's too painful!

Although the white dust seal tried his best to control it, he could not help but feel like chaff, shaking.

In this case, it should have been sweating for a long time.

However, he did not have this phenomenon.

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Because as long as a little moisture appears, it will be dried.

His skin, just for a moment, was like a long dry land, dry and cracked, but no blood seeped out.

Who has tried to burn the Qi and blood in his body?

Now, he did it!

But after that, he didn't want to do it again.

I don't know how long it took. Finally, Huan Qingyan took back her finger.

The white dust seal lies on the ground, gasps for a long time, finally turns over to jump.

He felt all over his body, unspeakably relaxed and happy. Before, there seemed to be a big mountain weighing heavily on him. At the moment, it disappeared.

"Ha ha ha..."

White dust seal can't hold back, burst out laughing.

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"Xiao Yan, you are really my noble man!"

White dust seal heart big trouble, finally relieved.

Huan Qingyan looks at the direction of the Terran Concentrate.

"Xiao Yan, what are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking about my little treasure. I'm not a good mother. Xiaobao is so small that he has a big demon's mother. I don't know if the Terrans have treated him badly in recent years Now it's time for me to return to the Terran. "

The light voice is mixed with a trace of anger and sadness.

That kind of complex feelings, not very verbal to describe.

She is now a demon emperor of Jin rank, so, Jimo ya, are you ok? I hope you are OK, otherwise, I will be disappointed because there is no opponent

It's time for the Terran to return her son. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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