The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1355: 1355

This is a middle-aged law enforcement officer of the holy city. He is the middle-level of xuanlingshi, one level higher than Xiaobao. After receiving Xiaobao's fist, he is very reluctant to stabilize.

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It's not pretty for a while.

"Deacon!" All are in one.

The law enforcement officer of the holy city is responsible for maintaining the security of the holy city on weekdays

"My Lord, it's Jimo Xiaobao. He made trouble first. He bullied us by virtue of his high level of cultivation..." A couple of young men are the first to complain.

Xiaobao sneered, "yes, I'm a child of seven or eight years old bullying a group of adults. I'm too vicious. I'm too high in cultivation. I shouldn't bully a group of rubbish!"

More and more onlookers, who did not know the truth, covered their mouths and laughed.

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Several provocations blushed and their necks were thick. They were just too irritating!

But he couldn't beat Xiaobao, so he could only complain in front of the law enforcement officer.

The law enforcement officer said, "that's enough! Isn't it enough to humiliate yourself? Do you still want to get rid of your Nangong patriarch's face? "

Several descendants of Nangong family were angry.

The law enforcement officer looked at Xiao Bao with a complicated look.

The child Identity embarrassment, if in the past, when his father was at the height of the sun and his mother was not found to be a demon clan, how much attention should he be!

Should have been the favored one!

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Now it has been challenged and criticized by so many people. It can only be said that it is fate that makes people

The law enforcement officer shook his head and wanted to say something more. In the end, he didn't say it.

"Well, let's call it a day. Let's all go."

Xiaobao hummed, took the white Ze, turned around and left.

Those who are defiant and dare not disobey the orders of the law enforcement officer, so they are scattered.

The obscure woman in the crowd quietly followed Xiaobao.

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when Xiaobao came to a quiet place, a voice suddenly came from behind, "Prince Anning! Peace

Xiaobao looked back, but saw a slightly weak woman, veiled, panting slightly, trotting all the way.

"You are..."

Xiaobao is very rare. Naturally, he doesn't know who this woman is. It's very strange.

The woman looks beautiful, with flying stars in her bun, her eyes twinkle, her slender waist and gorgeous dress up. She has a charming charm, and the faint beautiful mole in the center of her eyebrows gives off a strange light.

Run to Xiaobao and stop, body twist, cherry lips slightly open, a fascination arises spontaneously.

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"It doesn't matter, brother, who is the bully! My sister is also very angry! But my sister has a message about your mother. Do you want to hear it? "

Xiao Bao's eyes lit up and said in a hurry, "what's the news? Sister, come and listen to it!"

Today's Xiaobao is also seven or eight years old, tall, not much shorter than her.

"Don't worry, little brother. My sister will say it naturally." The woman slowly moved her body, close to Xiao Bao, and a strange breath came into Xiao Bao's nose.

"Last time, my sister went out by accident, and overheard someone talking about your mother. Where did you see your mother?" The woman looks incomparably amiable, and talks.

"Where is that?" Asked Xiao Bao.

The woman smile, more intimate, "that place is called what elder sister does not know, but the elder sister knows how to walk, not as good as elder sister takes you to pass?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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