The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1356: 1356

"Good." Xiaobao Wei hesitated and agreed.

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Naturally, he knew to guard against outsiders, but he should be able to cope with the fact that his sister's accomplishments were not high.

Besides, he really missed his mother so much.

Dad never meant to take him to his mother

He has to rely on himself to find his mother.


The assembly hall of the holy house.

"Not good!"

Just now, he found that the breath of Xiaobao suddenly disappeared!

He had planted a mark of divine consciousness on Xiaobao. As long as he contacted him, he could know his whereabouts.

He found out just now that the connection was interrupted.

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There was something wrong with his intuition.

How did Xiaobao disappear suddenly?

the father and son had a good talk before

Is it possible that something happened?

Jimo Ya didn't want to sit down again.

At this time, the assembly hall of the holy house was full of people, with the half saints sitting at the top and the rest of the big families sitting in their corner.

Now Xunsheng is talking on it, "the news of the demon land has come back, and I'm sure that the new demon emperor belongs to the bird clan..."

The people below said in surprise, "birds? Can it be? "

All of them thought of the man

Jimo Ya didn't disturb the people, and gave a report to the new patriarch nearby.

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"Patriarch, I just heard that something happened in the mansion. I'll go back first."

Jimo has no intention to be very dissatisfied. At this juncture, in front of the great meeting of the Terrans, how can you just go?

It's just too disrespectful.

I don't want to accept it.

But there Jimo ya just said hello, no matter whether he agreed or not, he left directly.

The figure retreated from the side door.

In the past, if Xiaobao had any news, maybe even the holy one would have been shocked and helped to find it.

But now, I don't want to mention it.

Besides, it's the time of holy discussion. Naturally, we should focus on the overall situation. Xiaobao should find it by himself.

Jimo Ya left in a hurry, Jimo staring at his back without heart

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Bah, when he was the first son of the Terran! He is so arrogant and arrogant. It's very annoying not to take him as the new clan leader.

"Hello, stop, the Holy One is talking on it, where are you going..."

This remark attracted people from all around the world.

Some people began to talk in a low voice.

"Young master Jimo has heard that he is very depressed because of self abandonment. Why is he leaving in a hurry now? What happened?"

"Yes, it is said that the Jimo family has let itself go. Something big may have happened."

"What can happen? I just swept it with divine sense. It seems that his son was bullied by some disciples of Nangong family outside... "

"Oh, oh, I see! To support my son. "


The opposite of Jimo family is Nangong family. Nangong Beichen frowns after hearing it.

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He also quietly withdrew from the synagogue.

The semi saints in the first place have heard people and naturally heard the following comments, but they did not express their opinions.

Jimoya's son

Identity is so sensitive that they always hold the attitude that they are neither concerned nor excluded.

After all, children are innocent.

The situation of Jimo career is getting worse now. The child must be under too much pressure.

As a father, it is normal for him to indulge in children without a mother.

He was not embarrassed.

If he wants to leave, forget it

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