The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1369: 1369

With a look of cool and arrogant, muno was full of pride.

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Not afraid at all.

Nangong Beichen said, "you devil girl! Anning is still a child. What do you tempt him to do? "

Murong Xinnuo suddenly giggled, his face became enchanting and incomparable, coupled with the beauty mole on the forehead, it was particularly strange and mysterious.

"Nangong Beichen, if you really are your daughter-in-law entering the door, you should not treat her as a person!"

Nangong Beichen frowned, "I married you just to watch you. I knew you were in the devil's way. A witch like you deserves to be my wife? Too much thought

The crowd of onlookers suddenly realized.

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I see.

Nangong Beichen sacrificed his marriage happiness to monitor the Witch and seek welfare for the people. This is really a sad thing.

"I thought you were confused by my beauty, but I didn't expect you to be so bad! But if you want to spy on me, my wife doesn't want to spy on you Hey, hey. " Murong Xinnuo said, stretched out a finger, point in the South Palace North morning chest.

"Witch, you want to spy on us? Why on earth are you spying on us Nangong Beichen had some accidents.

"You said, I'm a witch. Will I tell you? If you want to know the truth, go and find out for yourself Murong Xinnuo is unconventional, with a slender waist and a stroke of hair in front of her forehead.

Jimo Ya suddenly said, "I'm the one you've been monitoring. You should also control Baili Zixi. But I don't understand. Why did you encourage Bai Li Zi Xi to marry me

"Ha ha ha, for your ginseng baby Lingbao, of course. It's too complementary for this devil to attract directly, so I control Baili purple, let her absorb it first, and then transfer it to this devil! However, I'm not interested in you now. Jimoya, you don't have ginseng Lingbao. If you dig up the ginseng Lingbao, your blood doesn't smell at all. Even the stray dogs can't smell it... "

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Huan Qing Yan has been in the air, stay.

Her heart is like a thousand words, like a blank.

Until Murong Xinnuo said that Jimo Ya's blood, even passing wild dogs will not smell, she seems to think of something

It really doesn't smell good.

The scent of her deadly temptation was gone.

Now there are bloodstains on the corner of the mouth of Jimo ya. No one has any reaction.

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She squinted at him and her voice came from mid air.

"Jimoya! And my son? " The voice is cold and indifferent, coupled with the body in the air, giving a feeling of condescending.

Everyone sighed in silence.

What happened just now, Huan Qingyan must have heard it clearly, but now he still comes to ask this question. The intention is self-evident.

Once broke through all the barriers, finally came together two people, is that kind of sweet love.

Now it's really a pity that it has come to such a situation.

I can only sigh that nature has made people.

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Jimo Ya is silent.

"Huan Qing Yan sneered," aren't you quite able? Why can't you even watch a child? Are you the genius of the Terran? The Terrans are so good that they are 100 times stronger than our demon clan! Now you can't even keep a child? "

This is even taken by the whole Terran. There is something unnatural about the saints' faces.

But they can't say anything.

Terrans and demon clans have always been antagonistic. Even if they are saints, they can't do anything to resolve this contradiction. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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