The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1370: 1370

People look at Jimo.

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Jimo Ya is still speechless, eyes have lost the look of the past, no focus, a gray color.

It is in the prime of life, but it gives people a feeling of hero's twilight.

The crowd sighed again.

Huan Qingyan wanted to crack Jimo Ya hard and vent her resentment, but she didn't answer a word and even didn't lift her head.

In addition, it is important to find Xiaobao, so he has no intention of ridicule. He falls to the ground, turns into a human figure, and moves towards Murong Xinnuo, who is watching the opera from his face.

Qingli, cold, dazzling, no one on the scene than her light.

She slapped on Murong Xinnuo, who was laughing wildly.

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"Bitch, it's not bad enough for you to hurt me. Now you're still hurting my son. Return my son..."

Murong Xinnuo and illusory Qing Yan, there is a kind of enemy meet, particularly jealous feeling.

Murong Xinnuo was slapped by Huan Qingyan and his face swelled. He was still fearless, "Huan Qing Yan, your life is really big! Do you know who I admire most in Lingbao? It's you, Xiaoqiang, who can't fight to death. No matter how you can survive, ha ha ha... "

Jimo Ya close to the eyes of the phantom Qing Yan Complex, cold, can not hide the sadness.

He lowered his head.

Xiao Yan is responsible for most of the damage.

In the end, it came to an end.

Xiaoyan will never forgive him. He doesn't want to open his mouth in front of so many people. Do you feel OK?

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He couldn't ask. He knew that she was not good all the time. Her scar was still there. She swore with blood

The unreal inclines the Yan to have no polite hand, kicks Murong Xinnuo to kneel in front of her, "bitch, return my son, I spare you a whole corpse!"

Murong Xinnuo gnawed his teeth and laughed, "do you know why I want to target your son Xiaobao?"


"Because of your son's spirit treasure, I look very eye-catching! You and your son are both my stumbling blocks. I failed to kill you, but your son, ha ha, I'm afraid it's hopeless. "

"What do you mean?" Huan Qing Yan felt a little flustered for no reason.

Murong Xinnuo was caught. Knowing that she was dying, she didn't ask for mercy, and she provoked them again and again.

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She Not afraid to die?

Jimo Ya suddenly thought about it and said, "Xiaobao's Lingbao is the attribute of light."

Light attribute?

The saints responded first.

The demons also refine Qi, but the attribute is dark, which is naturally opposite to the light attribute.

If they are creatures of the same cultivation, those who practice the dark system can't beat those of the light system. This is clearly recorded in historical books.

And even if the cultivation of the light system is not enough, but if you add chaos to the dark system, it is also very difficult to entangle.

The aura in the altar was the aura before!

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Xue Sheng is impatient to wait. It's impossible to go on like this.

"So what did you do with Xiaobao?"

"Cluck, cluck..." Murong Xinnuo a burst of unrestrained Jiao Xiao, make everyone all frown.

"Of course, it will devour him, leaving him to harm the devil in the future?"

People were shocked at the words.

Huan Qing Yan also frowned.

Just now she sensed with her Phoenix body. She did not have any abnormal situation. Xiaobao should not be in a big way. Nine times out of ten, the witch is lying.

"You lie, my son. Good. Murong Xinnuo, you will not give up until you arrive at the Yellow River. I will kill you. Soul searching can also find Xiaobao's whereabouts." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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