The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1373: 1373

For a long time, the picture dissipated, the brilliance suddenly lost, only a ring emitting a little light, finally slowly disappeared.

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All the people looked at Lesheng. The seal was too vague for them to see the meaning. They just felt that it was not a good divination.

Otherwise, Lessing's reaction will not be so big.

How serious is it to let a saint immediately eat back to vomit blood.

There are still people who are lucky, "is it good or bad?"

Lesheng looked tight and said, "fierce! It's extremely dangerous. If you want to go in, you need to be careful. The divination also shows that it's better not to go in too many people. "

The crowd was eclipsed.

Those who had signed up for a visit before are now silent.

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I didn't dare to joke about my life.

"But this trip is necessary," said Lai Sheng. "The divinatory symbols show that there is a key point inside, which is related to the future of the whole human race. It is extremely important and should not be ignored."

All the saints were surprised when they heard the speech.

No one expected that the temporary divination of Lesheng should be such a result.

But Lai Sheng's divination has always been accurate, which is generally acknowledged.

And this matter, with the demon clan related, has this result is actually not surprising.

There are few records about the demons among the Terrans, but these only records show that the demons are strange and powerful.

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Don't look at Murong Xinnuo now a look of weakness, but the means of the demon clan, we are not clear.

"That's when you have to go in." Xunsheng said, "there may be a great mystery inside, which is related to the survival of the human race. Now, we just have to choose who goes in. "

"The devil's eye, that is, a devil's abyss, has extreme environment. It's better for people with extreme attributes to go in, so it will be easier to deal with it."

Xue Shengdang first said, "since this matter is so important, I should have been on it. Besides, I'm very worried about Xiaobao. I'm one of them. "

His cultivation is the attribute of ice system, the ultimate ice, which is also in line with the conditions.

Poison Saint also opened a way, "I also go in."

It is a group poison attribute, and it has advantages in large-scale killing.

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Xun Sheng nodded, and there were not many people practicing the ultimate attribute. "I'll leave it to you two. We old men will guard for you outside. You two, plus the hundred mile girls, you four will come in."

This is not the time to take credit. Lao laizi's divination does not need to be filled with too many people. There are almost four people.

In addition to Jimo ya, the two halves of the holy one demon emperor, the strength is also extremely terrible.

If it doesn't work like this, it's useless to go to any number of people.

"However, in addition to rescuing Xiao Bao, you also have an important purpose, that is, to find out what the key place is, and we can deal with it."

"It's natural." Snow saint and poison Saint nodded.

Speaking of it, this matter is more important than looking for Xiaobao. Naturally, we should find out.

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In this case, the candidates have been decided, that is, the two semi saints, plus the magic Qing Yan and Jimo ya.

The white dust seal also insisted on going in, but was stopped by the illusion inclined Yan.

Here, she and Bai CHENFENG are demon clans. Although she believes in the saints' conduct, she should stay outside just in case.

White dust seal a thought, should come down.


Xun Sheng stopped drinking, stretched out his fingers and several times. A glimmer of light flashed by. Murong xinnorton, who was originally disdainful, couldn't move and was imprisoned. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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