The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1374: 1374

Murong Xinnuo didn't expect that the seemingly peaceful and harmless old man would suddenly attack him. He could only stare helplessly and could not even speak.

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The wine saint and the mad Saint did not hesitate. They turned their hands and pointed them out at the same time!

Murong Xinnuo forehead magic eye suddenly appeared a twisted space, slowly enlarged.

Although the saints don't know how to use demons, it is still possible to expand the opening of a space.

Xun Sheng drank, "go back quickly!"

Huan Qingyan and other four people step in and disappear.


Here, it is indeed a magic abyss.

Endless darkness, no light.

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But Huan Qingyan and others are not ordinary people. Even Jimo Ya has cultivated to the king level. This darkness is difficult for four people.

The only trouble is that it is full of evil Qi, which makes people uncomfortable.

Just like the last time Jimo Ya came in, he met a puppet who was demonized after a while.

Fortunately, this time there are many people, and the strength is not comparable to the last time. We have made rapid progress along the way.

The snow saint is the leader. After the poison saint is broken, Huan Qingyan and Jimo Ya walk in the middle.

As long as it is the devil who pours on, it is easily solved by several people.

But the good times are not long. With the deepening of several people, there are more and more demons.

Finally, even the demonized demon clan appeared!

With brute force, these demon clans are much stronger than Terrans, and they are much more numerous!

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In the dark, there were shadows and shadows. Countless demonized puppets rushed at the four people. It was like a big cake thrown into the nest of ants.

Huan Qing Yan's heart is more and more anxious, here the environment is so bad, can Xiaobao still resist?

Jimo Ya is also secretly anxious, but there are too many puppets for them to rush forward quickly.

A strong evil spirit came from the side, bringing more demonized puppets!

Although the place is full of evil spirit, but this evil spirit, but like a black smoke in the night, particularly eye-catching!

"Look at this evil spirit!"

It's possible that the source of the puppet's way is to stop the magic way

"Then let's go there." Huan Qing Yan is also a moment can not stop.

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Anyway, I haven't found the breath of Xiaobao, which is a clue at least.

The four fought hard to break out of the encirclement.

There are too many puppets, and their accomplishments are getting higher and higher. There are even King level puppets!

It doesn't matter how many kings, but how about dozens?

What if you add thousands of other puppets?

Four people are not machines.

"We have to speed up!" The snow Saint hastily said, "these puppets are more and more, and when we always do our best, we will be in trouble."

Just at this time, Huan Qingyan suddenly looked moved.

A faint consciousness is calling, mother, mother

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It's not a human voice, it's just a weak idea, and it's also a remnant of the unconscious after a coma.

Huan Qing Yan's eyes are sour, which is Xiaobao.

It's her treasure!

"I feel the breath of Xiaobao!" Huan Qingyan distinguishes the direction and points to the right front position, "my little treasure is over there..."

The black magic Qi is in the front left position.

Not in the same direction.

It's important to find treasure. It's also important to find the secrets of the demons.

Xue shenglue thought, "we can only do things separately. You and Jimo go to save Xiaobao. I'll go there with the old poison. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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