The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1380: 1380

"Thank you for your dedication, cluck "Murong Xinnuo is very proud, seems to be particularly satisfied, and the answer is also very happy.

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Xun Sheng hesitated for a while, and his face suddenly changed. "You mean, the four people who went in before "

" yes, they were all swallowed up by me! Cluck cluck, "Murong Xinnuo burst out laughing, the evil spirit rolled down," I finally planned this day, the return of this strength, is really cool! "

" do you mean that the four of them went in as a trap designed by you? "Bai Chen Feng was surprised.

"Of course. "Murong Xinnuo said in a condescending tone," if you people are really easy to cheat, I originally wanted to have that child as bait. I should be able to cheat one or two people, but I didn't expect to go in four at a time. Ha ha "

" you dream, the strength of the four of them is not low, can you cope with it? "The south palace and the North morning are cold.

"Is it a dream? Have you seen it? Otherwise, why did I increase my strength? "Murong Xinnuo disdained to smile," before long, all the rest will be turned into the nourishment of the Lord, ha ha "

everyone looked very ugly.

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For a long time, it was all in the calculation of this witch!

"Well, I've told you all. "Murong Xinnuo received a smile," now you tell me, who told you about the devil's eye? "

" bitch! I will cut off your head and tell you later! "With a roar of white dust, the golden hair stood up, the claws flashed with cold light, and a gust of wind rolled up and rushed to Murong Xinnuo.

"Well, it doesn't matter. "Murong Xinnuo doesn't seem to care about the attack in front of him. He doesn't change at all." when I devour you one by one, and your cultivation increases greatly, what can I worry about? "

" die! "The white dust seal fiercely hits out with one claw!

But unexpectedly, those evil Qi that gushes out constantly, suddenly a rotation, will wind up the white dust.

White dust suddenly felt that it was difficult to move forward, and his body was forced to stop and struggle.

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"Do it! "

all the saints drank and started to fight one after another.

For a moment, the unicorn of Nangong Beichen, the white browed monkey of Jiusheng, the wheezing dog of mad saint, and so on, all rushed to Murong Xinnuo in the air.

This time, all of them are half Saint level spirit treasure!

So many powerful Lingbao all set out together, suddenly the wind and clouds surged, the rumbling dull sound spread all over the city.

However, Murong Xinnuo is still unmoved, more evil Qi, from the front of the devil's eyes, one by one to meet up.

Without exception, these spiritual treasures are all entangled with the evil spirit!

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All the onlookers took a breath of cold air and looked horrified.

All of them are the top people in Lingbao mainland. It seems that they still can't do anything about this witch!

What should I do now?

Where are their hopes?

Are they still alive?


Huan Qingyan has thrown the comatose treasure into the space.

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She knew Xiaobao didn't like to stay in the space, but now she couldn't.

There were so many demons that she was tired of dealing with them.

She kept telling herself in her heart that she should rush out as soon as possible.

But the heart is more than the strength.

Although the flame of her Phoenix is powerful, there are so many enemies that they can hardly cope with them.

When I first came in, there were not so many demons, and the evil spirit was not as strong as it is now. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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