The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1381: 1381

I don't know what happened.

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I don't know what's going on with Xue Sheng.

After thinking about this for a while, my heart suddenly tightened.

Because, another wave of demons, dark, rushed to her!

Huan Qingyan's heart, slowly sink down

How can we get rid of this?

She was out of breath when she was always exhausted.

Will she also become a demon?

That Xiaobao also

She dare not imagine it any more.


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On the other side, Xue Sheng is also in a mess and walks away, fighting and retreating.

He and snow rhinoceros, the body is already dripping with blood, the wound is countless.

The corners of the mouth also spilled blood and suffered a lot of internal injuries.

A wisp of snow saint's beard has been dyed red.

He has no strength to fight back.

He's going to save his life and go out and tell others what's going on here.

If the Terrans haven't found out and can't take precautions in advance, then it's really over.

Then he will be the eternal sinner of the human race!

He can't forgive himself, and he can't die in peace!


"Ha ha ha "

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Murong Xinnuo's wanton laughter resounded throughout the city.

"You lowly people! In a short time, you will be your puppets! The whole land of Lingbao will become the flower house of the emperor! I want to feed a lot of Terrans and demon clans here, raise a lot of harvest, and continuously provide nourishment for me! Ha ha ha "

" despair! Mortals! "

" pain! Mortals! "

in the whole holy city, only this harsh sound echoes.

In the sky above the holy city, the evil spirit was swirling and rolling, as if the end of the world was coming.

The saints were in great anxiety, but they had no good strategy. Now even they themselves were entangled by the evil spirit.

Nangong Beichen's eye of the sky, also failed to work, just hold the witch for a moment, but no one can rush to her.

In contrast, Bai Chen Feng's strength is stronger than that of the lion. He is often the first to break away from the evil spirit.

But it is this kind of power type that is most easily controlled and can't get close to the witch's body.

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A feeling of sadness and despair surged into the hearts of the people.

Are Terrans really going to die?

Will the eternal inheritance of the human race be cut off in the hands of their generation?

Nangong Beichen struggles desperately.

Besides anger, he has hate!

He hated himself and made himself clever. In the end, he was taken advantage of by the witch.

Even Xiao Yan doesn't know how to live or die now.

Blame yourself!

South Palace North morning roars a roar, the brain suddenly a shock, suddenly thought of what!

The next moment, his eyes flashed a touch of uncontrollable surprise, tried to open up the evil spirit, the right hand stretched out, twisted behind him in an incredible angle.

Then, the backhand jerks!

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"Ah --"

a feeling of tearing heart and lung rushed into Nangong Beichen's heart like a tide, which made him cry out uncontrollably.

What he held in his hand was his own knot!

Nangong Beichen fainted directly in the past, neither life nor death.

"Ah --"

there was also a scream in the air!

Originally extremely proud, the Murong Xinnuo who fired the mouth gun in disorder, screamed and fell down from the air!

The momentum of the body has also been declining.

"Peng! "The sound of falling dust!

If one side forcibly tears off the concentric knot, he will suffer great pain and may be killed on the spot. The other side of the knot will also be affected and his cultivation will be greatly reduced

Nangong Beichen in this critical moment of life and death, for everyone, he took the next step. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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