The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1390: 1390

Huan Jiuli was not annoyed. He just stood up, walked a few steps, looked at the sky, and nodded with satisfaction: "although the angle of your holy yard is the best, but this is the position of Mohist school is also good. Here it is."

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Then he threw out the same golden magic weapon in his hand, which looked like the feather of Phoenix, and still with the domineering spirit of the Phoenix demon emperor, he rose from the sky.

A golden light straight into the clouds, like a sword, will cut open the layers of clouds, flying higher and higher.

The more upward, the thicker the clouds, the more dark, there is a faint thunder shuttle in the clouds, but they are all swallowed up by the golden light.

At first, the golden light was as bright as the sun and the moon. As it rose higher and higher, the gold gradually faded down and penetrated into the dark clouds, almost indistinct.

In the eyes of the public, I don't know how long after that, the golden light seems to be a little stronger, a blue and a yellow aura twined around the golden light, flying down from the sky very fast.

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It was only in the middle of the air that the two spirits gradually emerged. They were a woman in blue and a man in yellow.

Posture and bearing, looking from afar, just like an immortal, makes people feel ashamed.

Another invisible pressure, with the appearance of the two figures, enveloped the whole holy city.

This spectacle naturally attracted the attention of the residents in the holy city. They called on their friends and friends to look around the streets. They could not bear the pressure at the moment. They all knelt down on their knees and did not dare to lift their heads up.

"It's the Lord of food!" The mad saint was the first to cry out and worship.

Everyone was surprised! Look up to the sky.

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The man had already revealed his true features. He was handsome and extraordinary, with high bearing and steady momentum. At first sight, he gave a very reliable feeling.

The woman beside him was dressed in ice blue robes, with noble and cold eyes and elegant demeanor. Her eyes seemed to contain the ice of thousands of years. Just one glance would make people fall into the ice pit.

These two people are not the real body of the body, but they look like real people.

It is not the same as manifestation. It is like a flower in a mirror and a moon in the water.

Being a saint has a lot of magic power, just like a real person.

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What's more, it's unprecedented for two people to show up together.

As soon as he saw the woman's figure, Huan Jiuli knelt down respectfully and made the most solemn ceremony of the demon clan: "see your Majesty the Phoenix demon emperor, your Majesty's safety!"

Huan Qingyan is surprised. Is this woman the Phoenix demon emperor? So she's her own mother?

All the people present had their own thoughts in their hearts and different faces.

The Phoenix demon emperor and the food Saint have slowly landed in front of the public, only a light floating look around, but the people feel that the eyes as if there is substance, heavy as a heavy sweep from the body, everyone's back out of a cold sweat.

Or wine Saint reaction fast, took the lead to worship: "younger generation and so on to meet the food Saint Lord and the Phoenix demon emperor adult!"

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The rest of them came back to God, covered their hearts and worshipped them one after another.

The Phoenix demon emperor snorted coldly, and did not speak. He still took a step forward: "you all get up!"

In a hurry, the two saints were brought to the throne. For a moment, when people looked at me and I looked at you, they did not dare to speak again.

After all, even the semi saints felt quite sudden and could not return to God for a moment.

Or the Phoenix demon emperor opened his mouth, his voice was clear and crisp, with a chill: "it's a matter of great importance. I don't want to explain it quickly. It's been hundreds of years, and it's still in ink!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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