The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1391: 1391

However, he was very rude to Yao Sheng, which made the faces of several half saints of the Terran look very good.

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The dish saint is not angry, very good-natured smile: "good good, I immediately say clearly, do not delay our event!" Finish saying that, the eyes can't help but look to sit in the first place of the demon clan.

Close at the touch, almost no one found it.

In the eyes of people's doubts, they will tell their intentions.

This starts with Lingbao.

Lingbao mainland is full of aura. For hundreds of years, there will be a group of outstanding Terrans or demon clans who will sense the laws of heaven and earth and become saints, and will gradually rise to a higher level.

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This has been the case for several years.

No one knows how strange the upper realms these saints have reached.

Hundreds of years ago, there were a number of saints flying up on the mainland, of which Yao Sheng and Feng Yao Huang were two of them.

The upper realm is called the spiritual realm. It is full of spirituality, but it is sparsely populated. Except for the saints who have risen from the land of Lingbao, there are few creatures who can cultivate spiritual wisdom.

It is said that this spiritual realm is a connecting boundary between the spiritual treasure land and the higher level interface. If these sages devote themselves to practice here and can understand the Tao, they can fly from this spiritual realm to a higher level interface.

Those who can become saints have a very broad mind and vision. When they reach this level, they have no obsession with other things. The only thing I'm afraid is feisheng Avenue.

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Therefore, although the rising saints and Demons made their own way, they were all in peace in the realm of spiritual respect. They drew a piece of territory and then practiced in silence.

For about a hundred years, these sages will gather together to verify their achievements and exchange experiences.

Who knows that one day, there was a sudden natural change in the spiritual realm. A cloud of black gas fell from the sky and disappeared after splitting the protective cover of the spiritual realm.

The saints rushed to explore, but did not find anything unusual, that is all.

Who knows that a hundred years later, the gathering of saints found that about ten saints had not been present.

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If you don't send a message back, you can't find the communication between God and consciousness. It seems that all of a sudden, it disappears from the spiritual realm.

The saints were shocked and searched around, only to find that most of the spiritual realm was shrouded in black air.

This black gas is that one hundred years ago from nine days outside the uninvited visitors.

She claimed to be the queen of the demons. She was so weird that she broke the saints and imprisoned them.

Every once in a while, they absorb the spiritual power of saints and transform them into their own magic power.

As time goes by, saints are more and more subject to the troll queen.

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After a long time, the empress of the heavenly demon had a chance to reveal that she was the empress of the heaven demon world at a higher level. For some reason, she was shot down from the heaven demon kingdom into the spiritual realm.

This was a life of death, and there was only a wisp of spirit lingering. When she fell, she knocked a hapless Saint into a coma, attached to her body, absorbed his accomplishments, turned into magic, and barely recovered.

The aura of the spiritual realm is not suitable for the cultivation of the empress of demons, but the cultivation of saints can be turned into magic. Naturally, the empress will not let go of these saints who look like ants in her eyes.

First, he directly swallowed up about ten saints and restored the strength of two or three percent in the past, trying to break through the boundaries of time and space and return to the heaven demon world. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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