The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1413: 1413

Therefore, when making the plan that day, how to cover up the whereabouts of their party was easily solved by Huan Qingyan.

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At present, her space can contain living things, time can be controlled by her, and can hide the breath of Terran and demon clan, which is the most suitable.

With her space, the rest of the plan will go even better.

When the crowd disappeared, there was only a small bowl on the ground.

Nangong Beichen bent down, picked up the small bowl, put it in the arms do not mention.

As expected, it was not surprising. However, during the four or five days, the evil spirit around the holy city suddenly became strong and turbulent.

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It seems that the whole holy city will be swallowed up.

Nangong Beichen's face solemnly knocked on the ancient bowl in his arms, indicating that the goddess of heaven was already nearby and placed the small bowl in a humble place.

Then slowly walked to the square in the center of the holy city, quietly waiting for the arrival of the goddess of heaven.

However, in a moment, a strong and almost substantial black air roared from the air.

Straight down in front of Nangong Beichen.

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The black air shrinks slowly and condenses into a human figure. It is Murong Xinnuo.

At the moment, her skin is white with black luster, and there are two black corners on her head, and her nails are shining with cold black light.

Facial features or Murong Xinnuo, the whole momentum is completely different.

Seeing Nangong Beichen standing alone in the square, Murong Xinnuo made no secret of malicious ridicule: "it's ridiculous! A patriarch of Nangong family was willing to stab himself and hurt me badly for the sake of his family. What's the matter now? It's just a pity that I've been abandoned in this deserted holy city by the same people who are greedy for life and fear of death, waiting for me to understand your life

Nangong Beichen said with a smile: "who said I stabbed myself for the sake of the family and seriously injured you?"

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Murong Xinnuo a meal, but there is a bit of interest: "that is why? It is said that one day husband and wife are grateful for one hundred days. We have been husband and wife for several years. I admit that I have never hurt you. Why do you treat me like that

Nangong North morning up and down a look at Murong Xinnuo, that look, like ridicule, like pity, like contempt, only to see Murong Xinnuo to break out, just light mouth: "not my race, its heart must be different! With my patience, it's my limit to endure an alien being around me for three years. If I want to kill him, why should I do it? "

Murong Xinnuo's face was blue and white, and his eyes were full of anger, which was very insidious.

Jie Jie laughed: "in this case, I don't need to keep my hand, and I'll die --"

with a wave of his hand, a devil's spirit only pours on Nangong Beichen.

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Nangong Beichen's body quickly twisted open, a little tiptoe, he left the distance, looked back at Murong Xinnuo, showed a strange smile.

Murong xinnuotu feel wrong, the body turned, the whole body exuded a strong evil spirit, wrapped her only left her head outside, vigilantly looked at the place where Nangong Beichen disappeared.

"Open --" with a break, a colorful compass was thrown into the air above Murong Xinnuo's head.

Whirling in the air, down a colorful light, Murong Xinnuo firmly surrounded in the middle.

At the same time, the earth began to shake, slowly split a big hole, a pure white gas, slowly rising from the ground. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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